Rhb - الاستثمار عبر الإنترنت التداول

الفرص الوظيفية مدير فرع تقدم تقارير إلى نائب مدير الفرع، سوف تشرف على صغار الموظفين في فروع العمليات اليومية بما في ذلك خدمات العداد والتحويلات والمحاسبة والإدارة. وبما أن الفرع هو قناة تسليم القروض الاستهلاكية وخدمات تمويل التجارة، سوف تكون ضابط الاتصال على مستوى الفرع لتقديم هذه المنتجات والخدمات للعملاء، بما في ذلك الحفاظ على العملاء التسهيلات الائتمانية المعتمدة وإعداد التقارير الإحصائية لاستعراض الإدارة. درجة دبلوم في إدارة الأعمال المصرفية أو إدارة الأعمال الحد الأدنى 2 إلى 3 سنوات من الخبرة في عمليات التعامل مع القدرات مماثلة فرع من بنك مرخص كامل واكتسبت التعرض في جميع الجوانب الرئيسية للعمليات المصرفية، بما في ذلك التمويل التجاري والائتمان موقف العمل إيجابي وفريق جيد. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب الحالي والمتوقع وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين في القائمة المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا على الانترنت rhbbank. sg بدوام كامل مساعدين لخدمة العملاء سوف تخدم على الفور المشي في العملاء من خلال حضور احتياجات المعاملات المالية الخاصة بهم على فتح الحساب، وديعة نقديةالودائع، وصناديق الودائع الآمنة والواجبات العامة. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، سوف تكون هناك حاجة أيضا إلى العمل بنشاط على تعزيز المنتجات والخدمات المصرفية للعملاء وكذلك للتعامل مع المهام الإدارية فرع الأخرى. سوف يكون مقرها في أحد فروعنا ويمكن نشرها في أي من فروعنا 6 الأخرى من وقت لآخر. الحد الأدنى غس O مستوى مع الاعتمادات في اللغة الإنجليزية والرياضيات الخبرة ذات الصلة في عمليات الفروع وخاصة في التعامل مع النقدية ستكون ميزة قد يتخلف مدرستنا الطازجة والذين لديهم خلفية خدمة العملاء تطبيق لطيف مع ممتازة مبيعات الخدمة الكفاءة موقف العمل إيجابية ومرنة وفريق جيد سيتم تقديم التدريب الخاص بك يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية التفصيلية الخاصة بك، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين في القائمة المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات عن الفرص الوظيفية ، يمكنك زيارة صفحة مسيرتنا المهنية هنا مساعدين لخدمة العملاء (محطة مطار تشانجي) (عقد لمدة سنة واحدة) سوف تخدم العملاء على الفور مع المعاملات تغيير الأموال وأيضا الترويج لمنتجاتنا وخدمات البنك لهم وكذلك للتعامل مع الواجبات الإدارية . سوف يكون مقرها في منافذ تغيير الأموال لدينا (مكتب دي تشانج) في محطات مطار تشانجي. الحد الأدنى غس O مستوى مع الاعتمادات في اللغة الإنجليزية والرياضيات الخبرة ذات الصلة في التعامل مع النقدية ستكون ميزة التصرف سارة مع ممتازة مبيعات الخدمة الكفاءة موقف العمل إيجابي ومرنة وجيدة فريق لاعب وسيتم توفير التدريب يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية مفصلة، ​​بما في ذلك المتوقع الحالي راتب وصورة حديثة لجواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين فقط على القائمة المختصرة) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة صفحة مهنتنا هنا مكتب دي تشانج سوبيرفيسورس (مطار تشانجي ترمينال) الإشراف وضمان التشغيل السلس للعمليات اليومية في تشانجي ترمينال الحفاظ على معايير خدمة العملاء عالية الجودة من خلال تعزيز بنشاط لهم داخل الفريق إدارة توقعات العملاء من خلال تقديم الدعم المناسب الحل أندور موتيفات وتشجيع الفريق لعبور بيع البنوك المنتجات لتحقيق خطة المبيعات الشهرية المستهدفة ومراجعة عمليات العمل لتحسين جودة الخدمة وكفاءة التشغيل والإنتاجية الحد الأدنى غس مستوى O مع ما لا يقل عن تمريرة في اللغة الإنجليزية على الأقل 3 - 5 سنوات خبرة ذات الصلة في تغيير المال وخاصة في بيئة المطار التصرف سارة مع ممتازة مبيعات الخدمة الكفاءة دقيقة، والقدرة على تعدد المهام و الإشراف على فريق أميابل ومستقل وموثوق بها وفعالة ومطلعة للتعلم وقادرة على العمل تحت الضغط الرجاء إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: رب بنك برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين فقط في القائمة المختصرة) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة صفحة وظيفتنا هنا مدير فريق إدارة علاقات العملاء (الإيداع المضمون للإيداع)، الخدمات المصرفية للأعمال سوف تكون مسؤولا بشكل رئيسي عن تسويق العملاء الجدد والمشاركة في زيادة استخدام التسهيالت البنكية لتعزيز حصة محفظة البنك. سوف تعمل بشكل استباقي مع الأطراف الداخلية والخارجية لتسويق منتجات المسؤولية المصرفية. كما يتوقع منك تطوير علاقة جيدة مع العملاء والوسطاء وإدارة جميع جوانب العلاقة الحساب. ديغريديبلوما في الأعمال المصرفية إدارة الأعمال المحاسبة الاقتصاد أو المؤهلات ذات الصلة على الأقل 1 2 سنوات من الخبرة قوية الفطنة اكتساب مع شبكة راسخة من الاتصالات التجارية سيكون ميزة اتصالات ممتازة ومهارات التعامل مع الآخرين سيتم النظر المرشحين ذوي الخبرة القيادية الصفات القوية لمدير الفريق موقف لدفع أهداف الأعمال الإيرادات. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا الصفحة الرئيسية المهنية هنا مديرو العلاقات، الأعمال المصرفية التقارير لرؤساء الأعمال من الأعمال المصرفية، وسوف تكون مسؤولة أساسا لشراء حسابات جديدة وإدارة جميع جوانب العلاقة الحساب وجودة أصول القروض. وسوف تشارك أيضا في تطوير طموح البنوك التجارية للبنك، وتنفيذ استراتيجيات الأعمال التجارية، وتحقيق أهداف المبيعات، فضلا عن إدارة مخاطر الائتمان من الأعمال التجارية. يتوقع منك تطوير عالقات جيدة مع العمالء والوسطاء والعمل بشكل وثيق مع الوحدات الداعمة األخرى للبنك. درجة البكالوريوس في إدارة الأعمال المصرفية المحاسبة الاقتصاد أو المؤهلات ذات الصلة على الأقل 3-6 سنوات من الخبرة ذات الصلة في مجال الخدمات المصرفية التجارية مع التركيز بشكل خاص على الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة أندور (الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة) في مختلف الصناعات مهارة الائتمان التحليلية السليمة، مع معرفة جيدة من مختلف القروض والتجارة المنتجات والخدمات من شأنها أن توفر حلول لتلبية متطلبات الأعمال التجارية للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة حيوية، خدمة المنحى ومحفزة للغاية مع سجل حافل في تسويق المنتجات المصرفية التجارية. مستقلة مع القدرة على العمل من مراكز الأعمال قوية الفطنة اكتساب مع شبكة راسخة من الاتصالات التجارية ستكون ميزة. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا الخدمات المصرفية للشركات سوف تكون مسؤولا بشكل رئيسي عن تسويق العملاء الجدد والمشاركة في زيادة استخدام التسهيلات المصرفية لتعزيز حصة محفظة البنك. سوف تعمل بشكل استباقي مع الأطراف الداخلية والخارجية لتسويق منتجات المسؤولية المصرفية. كما يتوقع منك تطوير علاقة جيدة مع العملاء والوسطاء وإدارة جميع جوانب العلاقة الحساب. ديغريديبلوما في الأعمال المصرفية إدارة الأعمال المحاسبة الاقتصاد أو المؤهلات ذات الصلة على الأقل 1 2 سنوات من الخبرة قوية الفطنة اكتساب مع شبكة راسخة من الاتصالات التجارية ستكون ميزة الاتصالات ممتازة ومهارات التعامل مع الآخرين يرجى ارسال في السيرة الذاتية التفصيلية الخاصة بك، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي و صورة حديثة لجواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين فقط في القائمة المختصرة) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة صفحة التوظيف لدينا هنا مدراء فرق العمل مدراء العلاقات، خط التقارير إلى رئيس الأعمال التجارية المصرفية، مطلوب المرشح إلى: الحصول على حسابات جديدة إدارة جميع جوانب جودة علاقة الحساب من أصول القروض تنفيذ استراتيجيات الأعمال تلبية أهداف المبيعات وإدارة مخاطر الائتمان من الأعمال تطوير علاقة جيدة مع العملاء والعمل وسطاء عن كثب مع سو ذات الصلة إدارات بوبورت سيتم النظر في المرشحين الذين يمتلكون خبرة الإشراف الفريق مباشرة لمركز قيادة الفريق. درجة في التمويل المصرفي أو إدارة الأعمال أو المحاسبة أو الاقتصاد أو المؤهلات ذات الصلة لمركز قيادة الفريق: الحد الأدنى 3 سنوات الخبرة الإشرافية المباشرة لمدير العلاقات العليا مدير إدارة المنصب: الحد الأدنى 3-8 سنوات من الخبرة في مجال الأعمال المصرفية مع التركيز بشكل خاص على الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في مختلف الصناعات في سنغافورة، فضلا عن منتجات القروض الصغيرة والمتوسطة كاسا سجل حافل في اكتساب حسابات الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الجديدة تمتلك شبكة راسخة من الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الاتصالات التجارية الائتمان مهارة تحليلية سليمة، مع معرفة جيدة من مختلف المنتجات التجارية القروض القروض التي من شأنها توفير حلول لتلبية المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة متطلبات ممتازة مكتوبة إجادة اللغة اللفظية الإنجليزية. الكفاءة في الماندرين سيكون مكافأة إضافية للاتصال مع العملاء يتحدث الماندرين. مهارات التواصل الشخصية الجيدة، مهارات التفاوض التقديمي يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرين فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات عن مهنة يمكنك زيارة صفحتنا المهنية هنا مدير المنتج (القروض والودائع التجارية) الأعمال المصرفية مع خط التقارير إلى رئيس الأعمال التجارية المصرفية، والمرشح هو مطلوب ل: إدارة والتخطيط لتطوير القروض الصغيرة والمتوسطة، ومنتجات الودائع التجارية بناء استراتيجيات الأعمال ، تحديد تلبية متطلبات العملاء إجراء أبحاث السوق المنافس مراقبة فعالية الأداء المالي خط الانتاج من قنوات المنتج إجراء برامج الاتصال وورش العمل حلقات العمل لوحدات الأعمال الداخلية أداء ميس تحليل التقارير التقارير لتتبع الاستخدام والاتجاهات الخ درجة في التمويل المصرفي، المحاسبة، الاقتصاد أو التخصصات ذات الصلة مع 1-2 سنوات خبرة إدارة المنتجات أو حاملي دبلوم مع 3-5 سنوات خبرة إدارة المنتجات الفطنة التجارية الجيدة. المعرفة السليمة للمنتجات القروض الصغيرة والمتوسطة مع فهم جيد لاتجاهات الأسواق المالية. مهارات تحليلية قوية في إدارة المشاريع تحفيز قوي لاعب قوي، مهارات عرض جيدة بين الأشخاص خبرة عملية في فبا، مس إكسيل (بما في ذلك فلوكوب، بيفوت تابل فورمولاس)، مس أسيس مس بويربوانت إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية الشفوية المكتوبة. الكفاءة في الماندرين سيكون مكافأة إضافية للاتصال مع العملاء يتحدث الماندرين. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا (معامالت مصرفية) مع تقديم تقرير إلى رئيس قطاع الأعمال المصرفية، يطلب من المرشح: قيادة فريق من الموظفين مع التركيز على العملاء من نهاية إلى نهاية المعاملات تطوير نوعية مربحة والأعمال التجارية على أساس التجارة التقليدية، سلسلة التوريد حلول التوزيع مجموعة أوفيرسي بل من النقدية التجارة أهداف المبيعات. صياغة استراتيجيات المبيعات تنفيذ لتحقيق ميزانيات الإيرادات عبر شرائح العملاء استخدام محرك خطوط متل لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الدخل من الرسوم رسوم التعاون تقديم الدعم الاستشاري لمديري العلاقات، والمساعدة في بيع هيكلة حلول سلسلة التوريد التجارية مصممة خصيصا الحفاظ على علاقة وثيقة مع العملاء تطوير فهم عميق ل متطلبات الأعمال المصرفية تحديد فرص جديدة لمنتجات السوق لتنمية الإيرادات التجارية ذات الصلة العمل عن كثب مع فريق العمليات التجارية لتلبية توقعات العملاء، ومستوى جودة الخدمة وقت التحول بطل المنتج للمبادرات التجارية، تسويق المنتجات التدريجي من الحلول التجارية على شبكة الإنترنت استعراض استباقي للمنتج عملية تدفق لتحسين الكفاءة التخفيف من المخاطر التشغيلية درجة مع 5 إلى 10 سنوات خبرة في تمويل التجارة أو مزيج من إدارة النقد التجارة في الصناعة المصرفية سنغافورة الحد الأدنى 3 سنوات فريق الخبرة الإشرافية التدريب العملي على المعرفة في أوكب 600، إنكوت رمز، إيسب ISP98 قوية التدريب العملي على المعرفة في المنتجات التجارية، وتدفق العملية التقنية ثبت سجل جيد في زيادة منتجات السل حصة المحفظة الحيلة في توفير حلول للعملاء استباقية، مدفوعة، موجهة نحو النتائج الفطنة جيدة ممتازة مكتوبة إجادة اللغة اللفظية الإنجليزية. الكفاءة في الماندرين سيكون مكافأة إضافية للاتصال مع العملاء يتحدث الماندرين. مهارات العرض الشخصية الجيدة يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرين فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات عن الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة صفحتنا المهنية هنا إكسكوتيفسنيور التنفيذي، أملكفت الامتثال صيانة قاعدة بيانات أملكفت والسجلات. نظام مكافحة غسل الأموال تعيين والتحقيق وإغلاق التنبيهات. مراجعة وثائق العناية الواجبة المعززة من وحدات الأعمال لضمان الانتهاء في الوقت المناسب. تقديم المشورة بشأن أملكفت التنبيهات والقضايا والإجراءات لرجال الأعمال وغيرها من وحدات الدعم. إجراء فحص اسم الدفعة للوحدات التجارية ضد قاعدة البيانات الداخلية الخارجية المدرجة في القائمة السوداء للسجلات مطابقة. استعراض تقارير المعاملات المشبوهة والتقارير ذات الصلة إلى السلطات التنظيمية المحلية والمكتب الرئيسي ومتابعة حالة الإيداع والإغلاق اللاحق من قبل الدولار الكندي. صيانة ملف استبعاد ولم بما في ذلك جمع دعم للموافقة الاستبعاد. اختبار وات من أجل طرح طلبات باتششانج لنظام مكافحة غسل الأموال. إجراء مراجعة الامتثال في الموقع وخارج الموقع لوحدات الأعمال المحددة. إعداد تقارير أملكفت لإدارة التقارير بما في ذلك إحصاءات عن المشبوهة، أملكفت الحضور الخ تحديد المخالفات، تقرير النتائج وتوفير تحديثات للإدارة. واجبات الامتثال الأخرى كما تم تعيينها من وقت لآخر. شهادة جامعية. الحد الأدنى 3 سنوات من الخبرة في القطاع المصرفي مع خبرة عملية سابقة في أنظمة مكافحة غسل الأموال. المعرفة السليمة للوائح بما في ذلك كدزا، تسوفا، ماس إشعار 626 والمبادئ التوجيهية، والعقوبات ماس ​​ومتطلبات مكافحة الإرهاب والمبادئ التوجيهية عبس أملكفت. القدرة على تطوير فهم متطلبات أملكفت واسعة النطاق والعقوبات بما في ذلك العقوبات التوجيه الصادرة عن فرقة العمل المعنية بالإجراءات المالية، الأمم المتحدة، أوفاك، الاتحاد الأوروبي الخ قدرة قوية في تقييم مدى ملاءمة إجراءات الامتثال للمصرف والمبادئ التوجيهية وتقييم الامتثال لمتطلبات. جيد مس ورد، إكسيل بويربوانت المهارات. قوي اللغة الإنجليزية الاتصالات، عرض المهارات الشخصية. قادرة على العمل بشكل مستقل و لاعب فريق جيد. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا الصفحة المهنية هنا مساعد مدير ماناجر، الامتثال العمليات الاتصال مع الوحدات الداخلية لتلبية طلبات المنظمين والمكتب الرئيسي. راجع تعلیمات التشغیل للوحدات وقدم توصیات تتعلق بقضایا الامتثال. مراجعة أوراق خدمات المنتجات الجديدة التي طرحتها الوحدات وتقديم تعليقات تتعلق بمتطلبات الامتثال. متابعة نتائج التفتيش من الجهات الرقابية وتوفير تحديثات الحالة للمنظمين والإدارة (سواء محليا أو في المكتب الرئيسي). المتابعة مع الوحدات حول حالة الحوادث المبلغ عنها في نظام المخاطر التشغيلية. مراقبة النسب الداخلية الرئيسية والحدود. المتابعة مع الوحدات على الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية المسائل. تحديد المخالفات، إن وجدت، تقرير النتائج وتقديم تحديثات للإدارة (على حد سواء محليا وفي المكتب الرئيسي). ضمان الامتثال لمتطلبات فاتكا والتقارير. ضمان الامتثال لجميع متطلبات ماس ​​والتقارير التي هي غير أملكفت ذات الصلة. المشاركة في المشاريع المخصصة والمهام من وقت لآخر. شهادة جامعية. ما بين 3 إلى 5 سنوات خبرة امتثال العمليات في القطاع المصرفي. المعرفة السليمة العمل من سنغافورة القوانين والقواعد واللوائح والمبادئ التوجيهية بما في ذلك فاتسا. قوي اللغة الإنجليزية الاتصالات، عرض المهارات الشخصية. جيد مس ورد، إكسيل بويربوانت المهارات. قادرة على العمل بشكل مستقل و لاعب فريق جيد. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا الصفحة المهنية هنا العلاقات الشخصية بانكر رفع التقارير إلى المشرف الفريق، سوف تكون توفير الثروة والخدمات مبيعات الرهن العقاري للعملاء البنك. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنك ستستحوذ على عملاء للانضمام إلى رب بريمير بانكينغ كجزء من استراتيجية البنك المستمرة لبناء امتياز رئيس مجلس الإدارة. إذا كنت خدمة المنحى ولها مهارات التعامل مع الآخرين قوية، ونحن نرحب بكم للانضمام إلينا وتطوير علاقة مجزية معنا. دبلوم في الأعمال المصرفيةإدارة الأعمال الاقتصاد أو المؤهلات ذات الصلة الحد الأدنى 2-3 سنوات خبرة في المبيعات أو تجربة خدمة العملاء يحركها ذاتيا، متحمس للغاية، تزدهر على التحديات وقادرة على العمل كفريق فريق خدمة المنحى مع الاتصالات قوية ومهارات التعامل مع الآخرين فهم قوي للالتزام المالي والمتطلبات التنظيمية في سنغافورة هو ميزة إضافية يفضل أن تمتلك كمفاس M5، M8 M8A شهادات على استعداد للعمل في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع وساعات العمل الموسعة خريجي الطازجة والمتقدمين من الصناعات الخدمية هي موضع ترحيب لتطبيق يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية مفصلة، ​​بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي و صورة حديثة لجواز السفر إلى: رب بانك برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين في القائمة المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة صفحة التوظيف لدينا هنا مدراء العلاقات، إلى رئيس مجلس إدارة رئيس الوزراء المصرفية، وسوف تكون وتوفير عميل مخصص الثروات المبيعات والخدمات للعملاء البنك. وهذا ينطوي على مصادر نشطة واكتساب عملاء جدد، مع ضمان متسقة سجل أداء المبيعات الثروة. كما يجب عليك التنسيق مع مناطق عمل أخرى لمعالجة استفسارات العميل. درجة في إدارة الأعمال المصرفيةالاقتصاد أو المؤهلات ذات الصلة الحد الأدنى 3 سنوات من الخبرة ذات الصلة في الخدمات المصرفية للأفراد التجزئة مع سجل حافل في المبيعات والخدمات. منها الحد الأدنى 1 سنة الخبرة ذات الصلة في الأثرياء هنو المصرفية عالية الأداء في القدرة السابقة مع أي مبيعات سلبية أو الخدمات ذات الصلة الشكاوى في الأشهر ال 12 الماضية اتصالات ممتازة ومهارات التعامل مع الآخرين فهم جيد للمنتجات إدارة الثروات ذاتية يحركها، العمل كفريق واحد على استعداد للسفر للعمل كمفاس M1b، M5، M6، M6A، M8، M8A، M9، M9A، هاي، فنا سيرتيفيكات بريفيرد. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا (بروفانس بانكينغ) على المستوى المحلي مع تقديم تقرير إلى رئيس مجلس إدارة "بريمير بانكينغ"، يطلب من المرشح: تقديم خدمات مبيعات ثروات مخصصة لعملاء البنك اكتساب مصدر جديد للعملاء الجدد، مع ضمان ثبات أداء مبيعات الثروات سجل التنسيق مع مجالات الأعمال الأخرى لمعالجة استفسارات العميل. درجة في الأعمال المصرفيةإدارة الأعمال الاقتصاد أو التخصصات ذات الصلة الحد الأدنى 3 سنوات من الخبرة ذات الصلة في الخدمات المصرفية للأفراد التجزئة، مع ما لا يقل عن 1 سنة في الثراء عالية القيمة المصرفية المصرفية عالية الأداء في القدرة السابقة مع أي مبيعات سلبية أو الخدمات ذات الصلة الشكاوى في الأشهر ال 12 الماضية الاتصالات الممتازة والشخصية المهارات الفهم الجيد لمنتجات إدارة الثروات ذاتي الحركة، متحفز وقادر على العمل كفريق فريق الشهادات في كمفاس M1b، M5، M6، M6A، M8، M8A، M9، M9A، هاي، فنا. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا الصفحة الرئيسية الوظيفة رئيس وحدة المبيعات قناة تطوير استراتيجيات المبيعات للحصول على عملاء جدد إلى البنوك استكشاف علاقات تجارية جديدة لفرص الأعمال بناء شركاء قناة جديدة إدارة الشركاء الرئيسيين تدريب موظفي المبيعات مدرب لضمان مستوى عال من الكفاءات الامتثال للأنظمة والسياسات بدء الحملات التسويقية وسيط التعادل المنبثقة العمل مع أصحاب المصلحة ذات الصلة لتحسين العمليات لتعزيز تجربة العملاء حامل درجة في أي تخصص مع خبرة المبيعات من ذوي الخبرة في سيكوريدنزكوريد منتجات الودائع دقيقة مع شخصية ناضجة مستوى عال من المبادرة والقيادة مهارات فريق إدارة علاقات القيادة قوية القدرة على العمل في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع عرض جيدمهارات التفاوض ممتازة مكتوبة اللغة الإنجليزية الكفاءة اللفظية يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية التفصيلية الخاصة بك، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: رب بنك برهاد 90 سيسيل شارع 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين فقط القائمة القصيرة) لمزيد من المعلومات حول فرص العمل، يمكنك زيارة صفحة مهنتنا هنا مدير المنتج (البيع بالتجزئة) تطوير استراتيجيات المبيعات للحصول على عملاء جدد مواكبة إجراءات السوقالعارضين السوق توفر تحديثات السوقالمقارنة تطوير منتجات جديدة وتعزيز المنتجات الحالية وفقا لاحتياجات المستهلكين في السوق وضع خطط التسويق ومنصات لخلق اكتساب الوعي بالمنتجات إجراء مراجعات دورية للمنتج تحليلات الأعمال إجراء تحديثات سوق التدريب المنتج لقوة المبيعات التعرف على المتطلبات التنظيمية على المنتجات بدء وإدارة الحملات التسويقية التسويق الضمانات العمل مع أصحاب المصلحة الداخلية على تحسين العمليات ريجولاتوري ريكريمن تسكوستوميرس الخبرة درجة حامل في الأعمال المصرفيةإدارة الأعمالالاقتصادي الحد الأدنى 3 سنوات خبرة ذات صلة في تطوير المنتجاتإدارة المعرفة السليمة للودائع المتطلبات التنظيمية قوية الفطنة التجارية مع المعرفة السوق السليمة من أفضل كومبيتيتيونبراكتيسس السوق حافز للغاية، وقادرة على العمل بشكل مستقل لاعب فريق جيد الحساب الجيد مس مهارات إكسيل عرض جيد المهارات الشخصية مهارات اللغة الإنجليزية اللفظية المكتوبة ممتازة يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية التفصيلية الخاصة بك، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار مقدمي الطلبات المختارين فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول يمكنك زيارة صفحتنا المهنية هنا كبار المديرين التنفيذيين للتمويل يتوقع من المرشح مراجعة وإعداد التقارير التنظيمية والإدارية التي تشمل أيضا تنفيذ ومراقبة الضوابط المحاسبية والسياسات لمجموعة البنك رب. عليك أن تضمن إعداد وتقديم التقارير الإدارية والتنظيمية في الوقت المناسب. وكجزء من فريق التمويل، هناك فرصة للمشاركة في المشاريع التي قد تنشأ. ومن المتوقع منك أيضا الاتصال مع موظفي بنك رب، وكالات الضرائب وكذلك المدققين في منطقتك. درجة في المحاسبة أو تملك أكا أو المؤهلات المهنية الأخرى المعترف بها من قبل إكباس 3 إلى 5 سنوات خبرة ذات الصلة، ويفضل أن يكون في شركة مراجعة الحسابات المعمول بها أو التعرض للخدمات المالية وعلى دراية بمسائل ضريبة الشركات. الإلمام مع ماس والبنوك واللوائح الضريبية سيكون ميزة متميزة تمتلك معرفة جيدة في التفوق و فبا العقل التحليلي وفريق ممتاز لاعب مقابلة في بيئة محوسبة وتكون قادرة على قيمة إضافة إلى تحسين عملية المحاسبة والسياسات وإجراءات العمل. يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا الصفحة الرئيسية هنا مدير مساعد، المحاسبة المالية تقارير الشركات التقارير إلى رئيس المالية، ومن المتوقع المرشح لإدارة وتسليم متطلبات الإبلاغ. ويشمل ذلك تقديم الدعم والمعلومات في مجال التقارير المالية والتنظيمية والإدارية. ويتعين عليك إعداد التقارير ومراجعتها وتحسين عملية العمل من أجل إعداد تقارير أكثر كفاءة وفعالية. سوف تقوم أيضا بتطوير ونشر المعلومات بشكل مبتكر. وكجزء من فريق التمويل، سوف تشارك أيضا في المشاريع، وعملية العمل وإجراءات الإدارة المالية. ومن المتوقع أيضا أن تتواصل على نطاق واسع مع الموظفين الداخليين والأطراف الأخرى ذات الصلة في سياق عملك. درجة في المالية أو الانضباط ذات الصلة 4-8 سنوات الخبرة ذات الصلة، ويفضل أن يكون في صناعة الخدمات المالية. الإلمام بقواعد البنك مطلوب معرفة عمل جيدة في إكسيل عقل تحليلي وفريق عمل ممتاز مهارات جيدة في التعامل مع الآخرين والاتصال يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: رب بانك برهاد 90 سيسيل ستريت 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين فقط في القائمة المختصرة) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة صفحة وظيفتنا هنا التنفيذي، أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات (إدارة الوصول إلى المستخدم) الاستراتيجية والتخطيط تقديم المشورة والدعم للبنك فيما يتعلق بتكنولوجيا المعلومات الأمن المساعدة على تطوير وصياغة وتعزيز سياسات وإجراءات أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات الشاملة دعم وإنفاذ الإطار الحالي لسياسات وإجراءات أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات مراجعة وتعزيز العمليات التشغيلية الأمنية والإجراءات للأدوات تقييم وتنفيذ التقنيات المناسبة لاستخدامها في إدارة البنك اليومية إلى العديد الأنظمة المصرفية والتطبيقات، بما في ذلك ويندوز دوم (نظام إيجيرو ونظام G3 في الوقت الحقيقي ونظام الدفع السريع ونظام ميبس والنظام المصرفي األساسي ونظام الصراف اآللي ونظام مكافحة غسل األموال ونظام الخزينة إجراء تحقيقات أولية حول األحداث التي تنطوي على سلوك مريب دعم برنامج التوعية بأمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات كيب مواكبة أحدث التقنيات تطوير أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات إدارة وإدارة المشاريع الأمنية دعم إدارة الحوادث أثناء التحقيقات والتصعيدات تقديم الدعم في المسائل المتعلقة بأمن المعلومات لجميع مشاريع تكنولوجيا المعلومات. درجة أو دبلوم في علوم الحاسب الآلي أو ما يعادلها 2 سنوات من الخبرة في مجال أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات قادرة على توضيح مبادئ أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات والمعايير وأفضل الممارسات حيلة مستقلة مع مهارات حل المشكلة قوية دوافع ذاتية ومهارات التواصل بين الأفراد قوية وفعالة فهم منهجية إدارة المشاريع يفضل شهادة مع سيسب أو غيرها من الشهادات المهنية ذات الصلة يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية التفصيلية الخاصة بك، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: رب بنك برهاد 90 سيسيل شارع 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين فقط القائمة القصيرة) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية ، يمكنك زيارة صفحة مهنتنا هنا مدير قاعدة البيانات (عقد) أداء إدارة قاعدة البيانات والصيانة ودعم التطبيق تنفيذ إدارة برنامج مراقبة التغيير مراجعة سجلات نظام قاعدة البيانات والتجارب التدقيق ومتابعة على إرورسكسيبتيونس ذكرت توفير مستوى 2 دعم تطبيقات سطح المكتب دعم D إيبلوما في علوم الحاسب الآلي أو تكنولوجيا المعلومات أو ما يعادلها الحد الأدنى 5 سنوات من الخبرة في أوراكل وقواعد بيانات سكل الخبرة في الأعمال كائنات والتقارير كريستال وكذلك دعم تطبيقات مستودع البيانات المعرفة في نظام التشغيل مثل يونكس، لينكس، مايكروسوفت ويندوز هو شرط أساسي جيد العام المعرفة بضبط قاعدة البيانات و بلسكل أمر ضروري مقابلة مع خدمات أوراكل يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع الحالي وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: رب بانك برهاد 90 سيسيل ستريت 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط ) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة صفحة مهنتنا هنا محلل مبرمج (العقد) سوف تساعد في تحديد الاحتياجات من المعلومات ومتطلبات العمل، والمشاركة في تصميم وتطوير وتنفيذ وصيانة أنظمة التطبيقات. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، سوف تشارك في تطوير المواصفات الوظيفية والتصميم وخطط الاختبار وإجراء اختبار النظام والنظام التكامل. سوف تقوم أيضا بتدريب المستخدمين، وإعداد أدلة التشغيل والمستخدم، ومواد التدريب. وتشمل واجبات أخرى تقييم تكلفة النظام والفوائد ديغريديبلوما في علوم الحاسب الآلي الحد الأدنى 4 سنوات من الخبرة في تطوير التطبيقات في فيسوال باسيك أو ف، أسب، مس سكل سيرفوراكل، فسكريبت، بلسكل، MS - الوصول، تقرير كريستال JavaJ2EE سويفتنيت دعم الخبرة والمعرفة من الأعمال كائن المؤسسة و بي التقارير أدوات التجزئة المصرفية، ودعم نظام الخزانة دفع تكون ميزة جيدة إدارة العملاء ومهارات العرض قوية وكذلك قدرات بناء العلاقات بعض الخبرة في المشروع ماناجيمنتكو-تنسيق عرض المبادرة الذاتية يجب أن يكون المستخدم ركز لاعب فريق من فضلك يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية التفصيلية، بما في ذلك الراتب المتوقع حاليا وصورة حديثة بحجم جواز السفر إلى: بنك رب برهاد 90 شارع سيسيل 06-02 سنغافورة 069531 (سيتم إخطار المتقدمين المختصرة فقط) لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الوظيفية، يمكنك زيارة حياتنا المهنية صفحة هنا مشغل الحاسوب سوف تدعم تشغيل حساب البنك إر وتشغيل إجراءات معالجة البيانات وفقا لجدول العمل الحد الأدنى غس O المستوى ويفضل مع 1 سنة خبرة مماثلة المعرفة في لينكس أوس، أونيكس، ويندوز أوس، وبرنامج مايكروسوفت أوفيس ستكون ميزة القدرة على العمل على الدوارة 3-شيفت cycle Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here NOC Operator Actively monitoring of Services, Applications and Hardware equipment Incident management and actively monitoring of all incidents from start to closure based on existing SLA Track and fulfil all approved service requests until completion Perform daily operations duties Minimum GCE O Level and preferably with 1 2 years similar experience Knowledge in ITiL V3 would be an advantage Ability to work on a rotating 3-shift cycle. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Executive, Legal Credit Administration You will be part of the growing Legal Credit Administration team performing the full spectrum of Credit and Loan Administration functions from the preparation of Letter of Offer to the implementation of credit facilities in the system. Your duties would include documentation, monitoring of loan draw-downs as well as handling the redemption of loans. In addition, you will also be responsible for the accurate preparation and timely submission of relevant MAS and Head Office reports. Minimum qualification of Degree in Banking Finance Business Accountancy Minimum 4 years related banking experience handling credit documentation and loan administration duties Familiar with both corporate and consumer products - experience in syndication and vessel documentation would be an added advantage Strong supervisory skills Meticulous, resourceful and a good team player. Minimum qualification of Degree in Banking Finance Business Accountancy Minimum 4 years related banking experience handling credit documentation and loan administration duties Familiar with both corporate and consumer products - experience in syndication and vessel documentation would be an added advantage Strong supervisory skills Meticulous, resourceful and a good team player. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Dealer, Treasury Solution Sales The incumbent is to achieve assigned product activity and income targets through sound provision of treasury solution and investment product advice to BusinessCorporateWealth Banking clients and or Relationship Managers to meet clients desired objectives Present treasury product ideas to external clients and business units within the banking group Provide professional advice, market analysis, and strategies to meet the treasury and investment needs of the clients Identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities across the banks product portfolio Responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of new-to-product clients and the development of new products to me et clients needs Offer appropriate solutions with consideration to clients risk profile and investment objectives Make client calls with RMs to new prospect and existing clients to develop and grow the Treasury Solution Sales business Work hand-in-hand with RMs to ensure high standards of customer service and relationship management Ensure compliance with regulatory and internal compliance policies as applicable. Graduate in Business, Economics or Finance Valid certification in CMFAS Modules 1b, 5, 6, 6a 5-10 years of treasury or wealth management experience Familiar in FX, Fixed income andor Equity derivative products Customer oriented and proven track records in selling to the corporate or high network client space Able to manage cross-functional relationships to deliver end solutions to both the RMs and the clients. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Relationship Managers, Corporate Banking Reporting to Team Head of Corporate Banking, acquisition of new accounts to achieve profitability targets established will be your top priority. You will develop all aspects of new account relationship to generate revenue growth for the department. You will also manage the quality and credit risk of the new assets in line with the Banks policies. A degree in BankingBusiness AdministrationAccountingEconomics or other relevant qualifications Minimum 5 years relevant experience in Corporate Banking with specific focus on private limited enterprises (turnover of more than SGD100mil a year) andor Main Board Listed Companies on SGX Sound credit analytical skill, in depth knowledge of loan and trade productsservices and expertise in structuring solutions to meet customers business requirements Ability to structure trade facility is a strong advantage Energetic, service-oriented and highly motivated with proven track records in developing corporate banking business Strong business acumen with a well-established network of business contacts to bring in new business immediately Able to manage cross-functional relationships to deliver end solutions to both the RMs and the clients. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Credit Manager, Credit Evaluation Reporting to Head, Credit Evaluation, you will independently appraise and evaluate credit applications from the Banks Corporate Business Banking and Consumer Banking (CB) business. This will include the screening of customer background, track record and behaviour pattern to ensure that credit quality stands up to audit challenge and are in compliance with the Banks Group Credit Guidelines and Policy, Statutory Guidelines and Legal Principles of Lending. You will also be required to provide credit decisions to approve or reject credit applications within delegated authority limit or submit recommendations to Head Office for higher authority limit. Other areas include ensuring that the service standards on turnaround time are consistently met, Gross and Net Non-Performing Loans are within allowable limits. You will be vigilant in identifying any adverse signs or red flags indicating deterioration in existing account quality and recommend appropriate remedial preventive actions. You will provide support and guidance, when required, to improve credit quality. You are also required to conduct periodic business visits calls together with the Banks Relationship Managers. You are expected to review re-engineer existing work flow, procedures and processes with a view to reduce cost and increase revenue. A degree in AccountancyFinanceBankingBusiness Administration or other related discipline At least 3 to 5 years relevant experience in credit assessment with credit approval experience or as an Account Relationship Manager Applicant with experience in credit lending to top and middle-tier corporates in Indonesia is preferred. Fully conversant with financial statement and cash flow analysis Possess necessary skill-set and experience to evaluate structured investment banking transactions Sound credit analytical skills with in depth knowledge of banks productsservices Possess strong interpersonal and analytical skills A team player with good writing, communication and presentation skills. Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Manager, Financial Support Services Reporting to the Head of Finance, the candidate will review and implement financial accounting and control functions. HeShe will also ensure smooth daily financial operations and supervise staff in their day-to-day tasks. As part of the finance team, the candidate will also ensure timely submission of essential financial data for review and statutory reporting. The incumbent is expected to liaise extensively with relevant branch personnel as well as auditors in all matters relating to accounting and tax. Degree in Accountancy or possess ACCA or other professional qualification recognized by ICPAS At least 5 - 7 years relevant experience, preferably in a finance department in a bank or other financial institutions, or in an established audit firm Familiarity with MAS, bank and tax regulations would be a distinct advantage A strong analytical mind and possess good interpersonal and communications skills A good team player Conversant in a computerized environment and be able to value add to improve the accounting process, policies and work procedures Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Manager, Management Reporting MIS Reporting to the Head of Finance Department, you will be involved in Business Intelligence (BI) solutions to supp ort strategic direction as well as act as a proactive business partner to the business and support units. You will be expected to focus on deployment of timely and accurate information based on a robust MIS, assist on policies related to the information management system, with due consideration of its long term benefits. The incumbent will also be required to work as a team to evaluate and develop an Integrated Management Information System as well as review and implement financial accounting and control functions. A Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related disciplines Knowledge in Accounting is preferred 6 to 8 years relevant experience Preferably in a banking industry with exposure to data warehouse and understanding of local banking practice. Good working knowledge in related data warehousing tools i. e. SQL, Crystal Report and Visual Studio preferred Besides being analytical, numerically inclined and detail oriented, you should possess an aptitude for computersystem-related work Good interpersonal and communication skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here ManagerAssistant Manager, Financial Support, Services Projects Assist in implementing internal controls and processes to ensure data integrity Assist in Operations Functions such as GL Support Maintenance, Reconciliation Review of Balance Sheet and Profit Loss Items Provide oversight on Operations Process such as updating of Fixed Assets Systems, tracking of expenses, review monitor of Reconciliation Proce sses Review of Operations Reports and ensure timely submission to relevant parties, Management and Regulatory bodies Prepare tax computation and review GST filing Degree in Accountancy or equivalent Minimum 3 years experience preferably in banking and financial institutions Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Knowledge in MS Office with good excel skills Good data analytical skills. A team player who is self-motivated and a self-starter Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website rhbbank. sg Manager, Management Reporting MIS Reporting to the Head of Finance Department, you will be involved in Business Intelligence (BI) solutions to support strategic direction as well as act as a proactive business partner to the business and support units. You will be expected to focus on deployment of timely and accurate information based on a robust MIS, assist on policies related to the information management system, with due consideration of its long term benefits. The incumbent will also be required to work as a team to evaluate and develop an Integrated Management Information System as well as review and implement financial accounting and control functions. A Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related disciplines Knowledge in Accounting is preferred 6 to 8 years relevant experience Preferably in a banking industry with exposure to data warehouse and understanding of local banking practice. Good working knowledge in related data warehousing tools i. e. SQL, Crystal Report and Visual Studio preferred Besides being analytical, numerically inclined and detail oriented, you should possess an aptitude for computersystem-related work Good interpersonal and communication skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Network Support Engineer (Contract) Administration of Cisco-based networking infrastructure Planning, implementation and maintenance of networkingcommunication hardware and software Handle day to day operations and support services Minimum 3 years experience in implementing maintaining Network Infrastructure on the CISCO Network Platform Experience in implementing and maintaining Firewalls ( Checkpoint, Netscreen , Fortigate, etc) Cisco certification CCNA, CCNP or CCIE is an advantage Good general knowledge on Windows, Linux, Solaris platform is essential. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Senior ManagerManager, IT Security Technology Risk IT Security Strategy and Planning Provide expert advice and support to the Bank in relation to IT Security Assist to develop, formulate and enhance a comprehensive IT security policies and procedures Ensure adequate framework of IT security policies and procedures is maintained to assure successful implementation of IT security program which includes preventive, detective and corrective measures Design and develop a customized security architecture, evaluate and select the best security system for the Bank Manage IT Security vendors and service providers Maintain an IT Security awareness program Ensure the security unit is adequately trained and updated on latest security risks, trends and issues. IT Risk Governance Ensure information risks are identified, assessed, mitigated controlled through the deployment of a sustainable information security risk management program. Manage the ongoing security assessment program in compliance to the MAS Technology Risk Management guidelines. Serve as a facilitator liaison between the business unit, Compliance-Technology Risk, as well as IT. Review vulnerability assessments penetration testing to assess the residual risks mitigation plans. Assess advise IT teams on management mitigation of security exceptions deviations. Degree in ITComputer Science from NUSNTUSMUSIM or any AustralianUK universities Min 5 years experience in IT security management in BankingFI industry Min 3 years supervisory experience, leading a team of IT professionals in Singapore Strong working knowledge of Info Security Risk Assessment Management which includes security planning, security technologies processes, compliance monitoring and risk management Experience in working liaising with auditorscompliance team to review assess the risk control framework Strong project and vendor management. Highly analytical with excellent problem-solving skills Experience in the application of IS Policy Standards Good working knowledge of business, regulatory compliance requirements Good English communication, presentation interpersonal skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Business Analyst The Business Analyst serves as a liaison between the Business Units, IT and Operations. In this role heshe will be responsible for analyzing business functional requirements, as well as working with stakeholders to ensure the requirements provided by the business are delivered in the IT application. Elicit businessuser requirements, critically evaluate options gathered from multiple sources, and participate in quality peer reviews to deliver technical solution to address business needs. Proactively collaborate communicate with both business users IT personnel on the requirements analyze deliver the functional requirements andor other deliverables within SDLC methodology framework. Perform analysis of the organizationbusiness units(s) to identify opportunities, challenges make recommendations for process system improvements. Understand customers demand and business processes be able to value-add by identifying areas of improvements provide solution Create process models, functional specifications, flow diagrams charts to provide direction to solution developers andor the project team. Degree in ITComputer ScienceSystems Analysis or related discipline Min 3 to 5 years experience as a Business Analyst, preferably in the Banking, Insurance or other financial industry Good understanding of Financial Products for the front, middle back office transaction processing Good hands-on experience in defining business analysis, solution standards processes Good Project Management and SDLC experience Strong analytical and trouble-shooting skills Good English communication and presentation skills Strong interpersonal skills and able to collaborate on IT projects with all levels of internal customers Good team player able to work independently Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Credit Administration Assistant You will be part of the centralized Credit Administration team performing the full spectrum of Credit and Loan Administration functions from credit facilities implementation to redemption of loans. Your duties would include documentation, monitoring of mortgage loan draw down as well as data maintenance. You will be given good exposure in all aspects of credit admin functions across all business units as well as both secured and unsecured loans. Minimum GCE O Level Meticulous and Organized Resourceful and a good team player Competent in Microsoft applications Related banking experience handling credit and loan administration duties would be an advantage Familiar with both corporate and consumer products Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Manager Assistant Manager Reporting to Head, Loan Recovery, you will manage a portfolio of SME and consumer Non-Performing Loan (NPL) accounts. You will devise repaymentrecovery strategies, recommend action remedies and monitor recovery actions for the assigned NPLs to meet predetermined recovery targets. You may also be assigned to assist in handling the administrativeoperationalMIS tasks in the department. This will include organizing, coordinating, supervising and preparing the timely submission of credit reports or other monthly reports for submission to management and other supervisory bodies including BNM and MAS. You may be required to work weekends or holidays if needed to meet deadlines. University Degree, preferably in Accountancy Banking Business Administration or Economics with more than 3 years work experience in financial institutions Sound credit evaluation knowledge and collections experience. Experience in corporate commercial credit lending andor credit workout is an advantage. Possesses strong analytical, presentation and report writing skills with high level of accuracy Proficient in MS Office software applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook) Other attributes include good negotiation, interpersonal and communication skills A team player with initiative drive Ability to work well under pressure Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Trade Marketing officer Manage trade business activities such as encouraging customers to maximize the utilization of their trade facilities, improving trade volume as well as to maximize trade related fee-based income Promote the Banks trade products and services to customers via tele-marketing and marketing visits To manage customers with self-liquidating s tructured deals and provide trade advisory expertise to customers and business units Work closely with Trade Operations team to meet customers expectation, turnaround time and service quality level Maintain good customer-banker relationship DegreeDiploma holder with minimum 5 years experience in Trade Operations Strong knowledge in trade products, technical and process flow Excellent sales, marketing and interpersonal skills Assertive and dynamic Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Executive, Treasury Processing and Control Reporting to the Section Head, Treasury Processing and Control, you will provide efficient operational backroom support to the Banks Treasury Department. These include the processing of all treasury deals executed by dealers, ensuring timely and accurate treasury payments are met, maintain accurate record of counterparties details standard settlement instructions together with treasury limits in the Treasury System and reconciliation of treasury transactions. In addition, you will also be involved in the production of timely accurate treasury reports for submission to Head Office and those required by the regulatory authorities. A degree in BankingBusiness AdministrationAccountingEconomics At least 3 5 years relevant experience in treasury processing and backroom operations Good working knowledge of treasury processing and familiarity with treasury productsservices Strong system administrative skills Knowledge in Quantum Treasury System and FRS 39 will be an added advantage Energetic and highly motivated, mature and dependable Good interpersonal and communications skills. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Head, Treasury Operations With a reporting line to the Regional Head of Treasury, the candidate is required to: Oversee the investment aspect of Treasury, boosting Net Interest Margin from capital market instruments structured products Develop recommend appropriate allocation of fixed income investment assets within policy targets and risk return objectives Identify growth opportunities for the fixed income portfolio by maximizing the margin achieved while ensuring only acceptable risk are assumed Manage the overall portfolio, providing leadership for implementing strategies in the context of interest rate scenario credit environment Achieve attractive net interest margin relative to credit interest rate assumed Create awareness capitalize on the opportunities presented by new instruments structured products Serve as the information resource in the arena of market intelligence, product analysis economic forecasts Degree holder. Preferably with CFA or equivalent. Minimum 12 years extensive exposure experience in treasury dealings in the field of Capital Market Strong understanding of treasury product services Highly analytical knowledgeable in the intrinsic workings of new instrumentsproducts Excellent writing communicative skills with strong networking capabilities Strong leadership, planning organizing skills Strong presentation interpersonal skills Excellent written verbal English proficiency Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Officer, Inward Cheque Clearing Unit (ICCU), Operations Reporting to Unit Head, ICCU, you will perform the verification of inward cheque clearing, inwardoutward returned e-GIRO and cheques, scanning and balancing of outward cheque clearing operations, ch ecking and confirmation of inward remittance with branches. In addition, you will also perform surprise cash count at Branches and Bank Notes Centre. Diploma in Banking Business Administration with at least 5 years similar operational experience at a financial institution Good working knowledge of CTS cheque clearing, e-GIRO operations, cash count, processing remittance operations that includes inward TT, Demand Draft operations and related SWIFT MEPs messages A team player who is meticulous and possess good interpersonal and communication skills to resolve cheque clearing matters with Malaysian and local branches Ability to work independently and under pressure to meet critical timeline set by the Clearing House Able to start work from 7.30am or earlier (if necessary, in case of high volume or contingency). Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Assistant ManagerSenior Executive, Credit Risk Analytics Provide credit risk analytics on the Retail portfolio Develop, review and maintain system reports for risk identification and assessment Liaison with business units and Head Office Participate in credit risk related projects and scorecard refinement Degree in Banking Finance Business Administration or equivalent Minimum 2 years financial industry experience A background in credit risk analytics with quantitative and qualitative analytical skills Good written and communication skills Proficient in Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Word and PowerPoint) Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a rece nt passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Senior ManagerManager, Operational Risk Management Advise and support Singapore branch on the operational risk impact of business strategies as well as in the areas of monitoring and reporting of operational risks. Oversee the drafting of procedures and rules for branch leading to the fulfillment of the Groups operational risk management functions Provide an effective partnership with Business Units towards managing their operational risks to be in line with the Banks Business objectives Advise the Business Units on risk containment measures in high-risk operational areas Ensure that the Singapore branchs products, processes and methods are aligned to the ORM Policy Framework approved by the Board Monitor the operational risks, evaluate the results and report to the Group Risk Management Facilitate the setting of operational risk parameters for business and operations units to comply. Minimum 5 years experience in risk management at an established financial services institution Intimate knowledge of operational risk management approaches and their application within the context of a holistic risk management framework Understand the Groups strategic objectives, business model and financial sector landscape Good interpersonal skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Senior Manager, Market Liquidity Risk Management Advise and support the Head of Risk Management Singapore on market and liquidity risks issues relating to Treasury products Maintain appropriate relationship with various Business Units to communicate developments on new risk-related projects and processes Keep abreast of developments in th e market risk management landscape and apply learning to the Groups risk management practices Oversee Risk Management Reports submission to the Group Risk Management Support Basel initiatives Ensure effectiveness of monitoring tools and model methodology Degree in Banking Finance Business Administration or related disciplines Minimum 5 years experience in Market Risk Management, Treasury or Treasury Back Office or Middle Office with established financial institutions Sound knowledge of market and liquidity risk management approaches and its applications Understand the Groups strategic objectives, business model and FS landscape Strong interpersonal skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg ManagerAssistant Manager, Pr oduct Risk Define product suitability stands for Singaporeoffshore requirements including the sales to general public and wealth management Maintain up-to-date policies and guidelines framework related to product suitability Run future enhancements of suitability rule implementations to comply with regulation Provide support functions related to the respective Committee including secretariat functions to committee meetings and deliberation Review all product presentation materials to the general public Act as the subject matter expert for product risks related to investment products for sales to the general public and wealth management Conduct independent product performance benchmarking and methodology review Provide vigilance on the change of product risks and update the Committee regularly Liaise with HQ on new product approvalreview processes Demonstrate solid product knowledge on investment products and derivatives and ideally familiar with FAASFA Qualified CFA or other profession al qualifications related to investment preferred Experience in private banking wealth management in product suitability or risk preferred Open minded to provide constructive solutions on a risk based approach A team player with excellent interpersonal and communication skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Senior Executive, Market Liquidity Risk Support Involve in end-to-end data lineage coordination, from sourcing of core data to calculation and delivery of reports Subject matter expert in relation to liquidity and assets liability reporting Conversant in market and liquidity risk analytics Liaise with Head Office on implementation of market and liquidity risk infrastructure and work flows Degree in Banking Fina nce Business Administration or related disciplines Minimum 2 years experience in market risk middle office Strong capability in using MS Excel to achieve end results with relevant data extraction skills Preferably experienced in the area of liquidity reporting within financial institutions, as well as using Information Technology for analytics and risk reporting A good team player who is able to communicate effectively and observe deadlines Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Brand Marketing Communications Department Enhance RHBs corporate brand, positioning and image in countries RHB has presence Brand alignment, public relations, event conference setup, and coordination Managing day-to-day marketing and promotional activities in Singapore regional countries (Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia etc) Assist with development of communication and marketing plansmaterials Constructing key supporting messages across the brand, marketing and communications spectrum Electronic online media monitoring i. e. Facebook Brand research, marketing material management Review and assess marketing, promotional and event activities Marketing activation setup and implementation Degree in Communication or Marketing Minimum 5 years of working experience, with at least 3 years relevant experience in a brand managementbranding and events environment with reputable organizations in Singapore, preferably with some regional branding project experience Good written, interpersonal and communication skills Able to work on multiple projects simultaneously team player May be required to travel from time to time Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BA NK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Derivatives Dealer Offering visibility across regional offices, the role involves currency and interest rate derivative pricing for balance sheet items as well as on the back of corporate customers requirements. The candidate must have a strong currency and interest rate derivative background gained from a prior structuring role and a broad understanding of the institutional client space in the region. The responsibilities are as follows: Pricing structuring of derivative solutions in interest rates, currency and other products Originate and develop innovative, customized solutions to financing issues using a range of debt market products and services Liaising with senior management to define product growth for the group Liaising with external counterparties and internal stakeholders including Finance, other Business Units and Legal Conduct detailed financial evaluations and transactions. Bachelor in Mathematics or in disciplines of highly numerical skill Minimum 3 years derivatives structuring or trading experience at reputable banks Good analytical skills and able communicator with excellent interpersonal skills. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Manager, Money Market Oversees the funding, liquidity and balance sheet management of the Bank, covering the following:- Funding Liquidity Management Formulate funding plans, liquidity management Ensure deposit and funding rates are competitive so as to develop and enhance customers relationships Ensure full compliance to statutory reserve requirements Network with customers, external market counterparts and other RHB dealing centers in order to solicit customers feedback, gain market intelligence, benchmark trading techniques and enhance the Banks profile in the marketplace Monitor and manage all maturing investments in Government securities and re-investing at most profitable rates. Balance Sheet Management Analytics Participate actively in ALM process including model setup and analysis Analysis of liquidity cash-flows, interest rate gaps and income attributions Provide guidance in financial analysis modeling, scenario analysis, pricing for asset and liability items. A university degree and minimum 10 years in similar capacity with comprehensive knowledge of ALM including liquidity and interest rate risk management tools Extensive working knowledge of money market and other treasury products Excellent knowledge of statutory requirements and regul ations Strong mathematical and quantitative background. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page hereCAREER OPPORTUNITIES BRANCH OFFICER Reporting to the Deputy Branch Manager, you will supervise junior staff in the branchs daily operations including counter services, remittances, accounting and administration. As the branch is the delivery channel for consumercorporate loans and trade finance services, you will be the liaison officer at the branch level for the delivery of these products and services to customers, including the maintenance of customers approved credit facilities and the preparation of statistical reports for management review. Degree Diploma in Banking or Business Administration Minimum 2 to 3 years experience in similar capacity handling branch operations of a full licensed bank and have gained exposure in all major aspects of banking operations, including trade finance and credit Positive working attitude and a good team player. Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website rhbbank. sg Full-Time Customer Service Assistants You will promptly serve walk-in customers by attending to their financial transaction needs on account opening, cash depositswithdrawals, safe deposit boxes and general duties. In addition, you will also be required to actively promote the Banks products and services to customers as well as to handle other branch administrative duties. You will be based at one of our Branches and may be deployed to any of our other 6 Branches from time to time. Minimum GCE O Level with credits in English and Mathematics Relevant experience in branch operations especially in cash handling will be an advantage Fresh school leavers and those with customer service background may apply Pleasant disposition with excellent sales service aptitude Positive working attitude, flexible and a good team player Training will be provided Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Customer Service Assistants (Changi Airport Terminal) (1-Year Contract) You will promptly serve customers with the money-changing transactions and also promote our Banks products and services to them as well as to handle administrative duties. You will be based in our money-changing outlets (Bureau De Change) in Changi Airport Terminals. Minimum GCE O Level with credits in English and Mathematics Relevant experience in cash handling will be an advantage Pleasant disposition with excellent sales service aptitude Positive working attitude, flexible and a good team player Training will be provided Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Bureau De Change Supervisors (Changi Airport Terminal) Oversee and ensure the smooth running of the day to day operations at Changi Terminal Maintain a high quality customer service standards by actively promoting them within the team Manage customers expectations by offering the appropriate support andor solution Motivate and encourage the team to cross sell banks products to achieve monthly sales target Plan and review work processes to improve service quality, operation efficiency and productivity Minimum GCE O level with at least a pass in English At least 3 - 5 years relevant experience in money changing especially in airport environment Pleasant disposition with excellent sales service aptitude Meticulous, ability to multi-task and supervise a team Amiable, independent, reliable, efficient, willingly to learn and able to work under pressure Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Team Manager Relationship Manager (Deposit Secured Lending), Business Banking You will be mainly responsible to market for new customers and be involved in increasing the utilization of banking facilities as to enhance the Banks wallet share. You will pro-actively work with internal and external parties to market the Banks liability products. You are also expected to develop good relationship with customers and intermediaries and manage all aspects of account relationship. DegreeDiploma in Banking Business Administration Accounting Economics or relevant qualifications At least 1 2 years of experience Strong acquisition acumen with a well-established network of business contacts will be an advantage Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Candidates with strong leadership qualities experience will be considered for Team Manager position to drive business goals revenue. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Relationship Managers, Business Banking Reporting to Business Heads of Business Banking, you will be mainly responsible to procure new accounts and manage all aspects of account relationship and quality of loan assets. You will also be involved in the development of commercial banking aspiration of the Bank, implement business strategies, meet sales objectives as well as manage credit risk of the business. You are expected to develop good relationship with customers, intermediaries and work closely with other supporting units of the Bank. DegreeDiploma in Banking Business Administration Accounting Economics or relevant qualifications At least 3-6 year of relevant experience in commercial banking with specific focus on Small andor Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across different industries Sound credit analytical skill, with good knowledge of various loans and trade productsservices that will provide solutions to meet SMEs business requirements Energetic, service-oriented and highly motivated with proven track records in marketing commercial banking products. Independent with the ability to work from business centers Strong acquisition acumen with a well-established network of business contacts will be an advantage. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Relationship Managers (Deposit Secured Lending), Business Banking You will be mainly responsible to market for new customers and be involved in increasing the utilization of banking facilities as to enhance the Banks wallet share. You will pro-actively work with internal and external parties to market the Banks liability products. You are also expected to develop good relationship with customers and intermediaries and manage all aspects of account relationship. DegreeDiploma in Banking Business Administration Accounting Economics or relevant qualifications At least 1 2 years of experience Strong acquisition acumen with a well-established network of business contacts will be an advantage Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Team Managers Relationship Managers, Business Banking With a reporting line to the Business Head of Business Banking, the candidate is required to: Acquire new accounts Manage all aspects of account relationship quality of loan assets Implement business strategies Meet sales objectives and manage credit risk of the business Develop good relationship with customers, intermediaries work closely with the relevant su pport departments Candidates who possess direct team supervisory experience will be considered for the Team Lead position. Degree in Banking Finance, Business Admin, Accountancy, Economics or relevant qualifications For the Team Lead position: Minimum 3 years direct supervisory experience For Senior Relationship ManagerRelationship Manager position: Minimum 3-8 years experience in Business Banking with specific focus on SMEs across different industries within Singapore, as well as, CASA SME loan products Proven track record in acquiring new SMEs accounts possess a well-established network of SME business contacts Sound credit analytical skill, with good knowledge of various loans trade productsservices that will provide solutions to meet SMEs business requirements Excellent written verbal English proficiency. Proficiency in Mandarin would be an added bonus for liaising with Mandarin-speaking customers. Good interpersonal, presentation negotiation skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Product Manager (Loans, Trade Deposits) Business Banking With a reporting line to the Business Head of Business Banking, the candidate is required to: Manage, plan develop SMEs loans, trade deposit products Build business strategies, identifying meeting customers requirements Conduct competitor market research Monitor the product-line financial performance effectiveness of product channels Conduct communication programs, workshops seminars to internal business units Perform MIS reporting product analysis to track utilization, trends etc. Degree in Banking Finance, Business Admin, Accountancy, Economics or relevant disciplines with 1-2 years product management experience or Diploma holders with 3-5 years product management experience Good business acumen. Sound knowledge of SME loan products with a good understanding of financial markets trends. Strong analytical project management skills Highly motivated a strong team-player, Good presentation interpersonal skills Hands-on experience in VBA, MS Excel (including VLookup, Pivot Table Formulas), MS Access MS PowerPoint Excellent written verbal English proficiency. Proficiency in Mandarin would be an added bonus for liaising with Mandarin-speaking customers. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Senior Manager, Cash Trade Sales (Transaction Banking) With a reporting line to the Business Head of Business Banking, the candidate is required to: Lead manage a team of staff with focus on clients end-to-end transactions Develop profitable quality business based on Traditional Trade, Supply Chain Distribution solutions set Oversee PL of Cash Trade Sales targets. Formulate execute sales strategies to achieve revenue budgets across client segments Drive utilization of MTL lines to maximize fee interest income Collaborate provide consultative support to Relationship Managers, assist in selling structuring tailor-made Trade Supply Chain solutions Maintain close relationship with customers develop deep understanding of their business banking requirements Identify new products market opportunities to grow trade related revenues Work closely with Trade Operations team to meet customers expectations, turnaround time service quality level Product Champion for trade initiatives, product roll-out commercialization of trade web-based solutions Proactive review of product process flow to improve efficiency mitigation of operational risk Degree with 5 to 10 years experience in Trade Finance or a combination of Trade Cash Management in the Singapore banking industry Minimum 3 years team supervisory experience Hands-on knowledge in UCP 600, Incote rms, ISBP ISP98 Strong hands-on knowledge in trade products, technical process flow Proven good track record in increasing TB products wallet share resourceful in providing solutions to clients Proactive, driven, results-oriented good business acumen Excellent written verbal English proficiency. Proficiency in Mandarin would be an added bonus for liaising with Mandarin-speaking customers. Good presentation interpersonal skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here ExecutiveSenior Executive, AMLCFT Compliance Maintenance of AMLCFT database and registers. AML System assignment, investigation and closure of alerts. Review Enhanced Due Diligence documentations from Business Units to ensure timely completion. Provide advice on AMLCFT alerts, issues and procedures to business and other support units. Perform batch name screening for business units against internal external blacklisted database for matched records. Review of STRs and related submissions to the local regulatory authorities and Head Office and follow-up on status of lodgment and subsequent closure by CAD. Maintenance of WLM exclusion file including collate supporting for exclusion approval. UAT testing for roll-out of AML System patcheschange requests. Conduct on-site and off-site compliance review for identified Business Units. Prepare AMLCFT reports for management reporting including statistics for STRs, AMLCFT attendance etc. Identify breaches, report findings and provide updates to management. Other compliance duties as assigned from time-to-time. شهادة جامعية. Minimum 3 years experience in Banking industry with prior hands-on experience in AML systems. Sound knowledge of regulations including CDSA, TSOFA, MAS Notice 626 and Guidelines, MAS sanctions and anti-terrorism requirements and ABS AMLCFT guidelines. Ability to develop understanding of the extensive AMLCFT and sanctions requirements including guidance sanctions issued by FATF, UN, OFAC, EU etc. Strong ability in assessing the appropriateness of the banks compliance procedures and guidelines and evaluating compliance with requirements. Good MS Word, Excel Powerpoint skills. Strong English communication, presentation interpersonal skills. Able to work independently and a good team player. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Assistant ManagerManager, Operations Compliance Liaise with the internal units to fulfill the requests of the regulators and Head Office. Review the operating instructions of the units and provide recommendations relating to compliance issues. Review new productservice papers put up by the units and provide comments relating to compliance requirements. Follow up on inspection findings from the regulators and provide status updates to the regulators and Management (both locally and in Head Office). Follow up with the units on the status of incidents reported in the Operational Risk System. Monitor key internal ratios and limits. Follow up with the units on outsourcing matters. Identify breaches, if any, report findings and provide updates to Management (both locally and in Head Office). Ensure compliance with FATCA requirements and reportings. Ensure compliance with all MAS requirements and reportings which are non-AMLCFT related. Participate in ad-hoc projects and assignments from time to time. شهادة جامعية. Min 3 to 5 years operations compliance experience in the banking industry. Sound working knowledge of Singapore laws, rules, regulations and guidelines including FATCA. Strong English communication, presentation interpersonal skills. Good MS Word, Excel Powerpoint skills. Able to work independently and a good team player. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Personal Relationship Banker Reporting to the Team Supervisor, you will be providing Wealth Mortgage sales and services to the Banks clients. In addition, you are to acquire customers to join RHB Premier Banking as part of ongoing strategy of the Bank to build a strong Premier Franchise. If you are service-oriented and have strong interpersonal skills, we welcome you to join us and develop a rewarding relationship with us. DiplomaDegree in BankingBusiness AdministrationEconomics or related qualifications Minimum 2-3 year sales experience or customer service experience Self-driven, highly motivated, thrive on challenges and able to work as a team player Service-oriented with strong communication and interpersonal skills Strong understanding of financial compliance and regulatory requirements in Singapore is an added advantage Preferably possesses CMFAS M5, M8 M8A certificates Willing to work on weekends and extended banking hours Fresh graduates and applicants from the service industries are welcome to apply Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Relationship Managers, Premier Banking (Offshore) Reporting to Team Head of Premier Banking, you will be providing dedicated client Wealth sales and services to the Banks clients. This involves active sourcing and acquisition of new clients, while ensuring consistent Wealth sales performance record. You are also required to coordinate with other business areas to address client queries. A degree in BankingBusiness AdministrationEconomics or related qualifications Minimum 3 years relevant experience in consumer retail banking with proven track record in sales and service. Of which, minimum 1 year relevant experience in Affluent HNW Banking High achiever in previous capacity with no adverse sales or service related complaints in the past 12 months Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Good understanding of wealth management products Self-driven, highly motivated and able to work as a team player Willing to travel for work CMFAS M1b, M5, M6, M6A, M8, M8A, M9, M9A, HI, FNA certificates preferred. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Relationship Managers, Premier Banking (Onshore) With a reporting line to the Team Head of Premier Banking, the candidate is required to: Provide dedicated Wealth sales services to the Banks clients Actively source acquire new clients, while ensuring consistent Wealth sales performance record Coordinate with other business areas to address client queries. Degree in BankingBusiness AdministrationEconomics or related disciplines Minimum 3 years relevant experience in consumer retail banking, with at least 1 year in Affluent High Net Worth Banking High achiever in previous capacity with no adverse sales or service related complaints in the past 12 months Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Good understanding of wealth management products Self-driven, highly motivated and able to work as a team player Certifications in CMFAS M1b, M5, M6, M6A, M8, M8A, M9, M9A, HI, FNA are preferred. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Unit Head, Channel Sales Develop sales strategies to acquire new-to-bank customers Explore new business relationships for business opportunities Build new channel partners manage key partners Train coach sales staff to ensure high level of competencies compliance of regulationspolicies Initiate marketing campaigns intermediary tie-ups Work with relevant stakeholders to improve processes to enhance customer experience Degree holder in any discipline with sales experience Experienced in SecuredUnsecuredDeposits products Meticulous with a mature personality High level of initiative and drive Strong team leadership relationship management skills Ability to work on weekends Good presentation negotiation skills Excellent written verbal English proficiency Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Product Manager (Retail) Develop sales strategies to acquire new customers Keep abreast of market situationcompetitors actions provide market updatescomparison Develop new products and enhance existing products according to market consumer needs Strategize marketing plans and platforms to create product awareness acquisition Conduct periodic product reviews business analytics Conduct product training market updates for sales force Familiarize with regulatory requirementsimpact on products Initiate and manage marketing campaigns marketing collaterals Work with internal stakeholders on improving processesregulatory requiremen tscustomers experience Degree holder in BankingBusiness AdministrationEconomics Minimum 3 years relevant experience in product developmentmanagement Sound knowledge of deposits regulatory requirements Strong business acumen with sound market knowledge of best market competitionpractices Highly motivated, able to work independently a good team player Good numeracy MS Excel skills Good presentation interpersonal skills Excellent written verbal English proficiency Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Senior Finance Executive The candidate is expected to review and prepare regulatory and management reports which also includes implementing and monitoring accounting controls and policies for the RHB Bank Group. You are to ensure timely preparation and submission of management and regulatory reporting. As part of the finance team, there is opportunity to participate in projects that may arise. You are also expected to liaise with RHB bank staff, tax agencies as well as auditors in your area. Degree in Accountancy or possess ACCA or other professional qualification recognized by ICPAS 3 to 5 years relevant experience, preferably in an established audit firm or exposure to financial services and conversant with corporate tax matters. Familiarity with MAS, bank and tax regulations would be a distinct advantage Possess good knowledge in excel and VBA An analytical mind and an excellent team player Conversant in a computerized environment and be able to value add to improve the accounting process, policies and work procedures. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Assistant Manager, Financial Accounting Corporate Reporting Reporting to the Head of Finance, the candidate is expected to manage and deliver reporting requirements. This include provision of information support and service for financial, regulatory, and management reporting. You are required to prepare and review reports as well as improving the work process for more efficient and effective reporting. You will also develop and deploy information innovatively. As part of the finance team, you will also be involved in projects, work process and procedures of Finance department. You are also expected to liaise extensively with internal staff and other relevant parties in the course of your work. Degree in Finance or related discipline 4 - 8 years relevant experience, preferably in an financial services industry. Familiarity with bank regulations is required Good working knowledge in excel An analytical mind and an excellent team player Good interpersonal and communication skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Executive, IT Security (User Access Management) Strategy and Planning Provide advice and support to the Bank in relation to IT Security Assist to develop, formulate and enhance a comprehensive IT Security policies and procedures Support and enforce existing framework of IT security policies and procedures Review and enhance security operational processes and procedures for tools Evaluate and implement suitable technologies for use in the Bank Daily administration to numerous bank systems and applications, including Windows Dom ain Account, Cheque Truncation System, eGiro System, G3 Real-Time System, Swift Payment System, MEPS System, Core Banking System, ATM System, AML System and Treasury System Conduct initial investigations on events with suspicious behavior Support the IT Security awareness program Keep abreast of latest technology IT Security development Drive and manage security projects Support incident management during case investigations and escalations Provide support on matters related to information security for all IT projects. Degree or Diploma in Computer Science or equivalent 2 years experience in IT Security Able to articulate IT Security principles, standards and best practices Independent resourceful with strong problem solving skills Self-motivated, strong interpersonal and effective communication skills Understand project management methodology Preferable certified with CISSP or other relevant professional certification Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Database Administrator (Contract) Perform Database Administration and Maintenance and Application support Perform program change control management Review database system logs, audit trials and follow-up on errorsexceptions reported Provide 2nd level support for Desktop Applications support D iplomaDegree in Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent Minimum 5 years experience in Oracle and SQL databases Experience in Business Objects and Crystal reports as well as supporting data warehouse applications Knowledge in OS such as Unix, Linux, Microsoft Windows is a pre-requisite Good general knowledge of Database tuning and PLSQL is essential Conversant with Oracle utilities Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Analyst Programmer (Contract) You will assist in determining information needs and business requirements, be involved in the design, development, implementation and maintenance of Application Systems. In addition, you will be involved in developing functional and design specifications, test plans and conducting program and system integration testing. You will also conduct users training, prepare operation and user guides, training materials. Other duties include the evaluation of system cost and benefits DegreeDiploma in Computer Science Min 4 years of experience in application developmentsupport in Visual Basic or VB, ASP, MS SQL serverOracle, VBScript, PLSQL, MS-Access, Crystal Report JavaJ2EE SWIFTNET support experience, knowledge of Business Object Enterprise and BI reporting toolsRetail Banking, Payment Treasury System support will be an advantage Good customer management and strong presentation skills as well as relationship-building capabilities Some experience in project managementco-ordination Display self initiative Must be user focused a team player Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Computer Operator You will support the operation of the Banks comput er system and run data processing routines according to work schedule Minimum GCE O Level and preferably with 1 2 years similar experience Knowledge in Linux OS, UNIX, Windows OS, and Microsoft Office software would be an advantage Ability to work on a rotating 3-shift cycle Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here NOC Operator Actively monitoring of Services, Applications and Hardware equipment Incident management and actively monitoring of all incidents from start to closure based on existing SLA Track and fulfil all approved service requests until completion Perform daily operations duties Minimum GCE O Level and preferably with 1 2 years similar experience Knowledge in ITiL V3 would be an advantage Ability to work on a rotating 3-shift cycle. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Executive, Legal Credit Administration You will be part of the growing Legal Credit Administration team performing the full spectrum of Credit and Loan Administration functions from the preparation of Letter of Offer to the implementation of credit facilities in the system. Your duties would include documentation, monitoring of loan draw-downs as well as handling the redemption of loans. In addition, you will also be responsible for the accurate preparation and timely submission of relevant MAS and Head Office reports. Minimum qualification of Degree in Banking Finance Business Accountancy Minimum 4 years related banking experience handling credit documentation and loan administration duties Familiar with both corporate and consumer products - experience in syndication and vessel documentation would be an added advantage Strong supervisory skills Meticulous, resourceful and a good team player. Minimum qualification of Degree in Banking Finance Business Accountancy Minimum 4 years related banking experience handling credit documentation and loan administration duties Familiar with both corporate and consumer products - experience in syndication and vessel documentation would be an added advantage Strong supervisory skills Meticulous, resourceful and a good team player. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Dealer, Treasury Solution Sales The incumbent is to achieve assigned product activity and income targets through sound provision of treasury solution and investment product advice to BusinessCorporateWealth Banking clients and or Relationship Managers to meet clients desired objectives Present treasury product ideas to external clients and business units within the banking group Provide professional advice, market analysis, and strategies to meet the treasury and investment needs of the clients Identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities across the banks product portfolio Responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of new-to-product clients and the development of new products to me et clients needs Offer appropriate solutions with consideration to clients risk profile and investment objectives Make client calls with RMs to new prospect and existing clients to develop and grow the Treasury Solution Sales business Work hand-in-hand with RMs to ensure high standards of customer service and relationship management Ensure compliance with regulatory and internal compliance policies as applicable. Graduate in Business, Economics or Finance Valid certification in CMFAS Modules 1b, 5, 6, 6a 5-10 years of treasury or wealth management experience Familiar in FX, Fixed income andor Equity derivative products Customer oriented and proven track records in selling to the corporate or high network client space Able to manage cross-functional relationships to deliver end solutions to both the RMs and the clients. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Relationship Managers, Corporate Banking Reporting to Team Head of Corporate Banking, acquisition of new accounts to achieve profitability targets established will be your top priority. You will develop all aspects of new account relationship to generate revenue growth for the department. You will also manage the quality and credit risk of the new assets in line with the Banks policies. A degree in BankingBusiness AdministrationAccountingEconomics or other relevant qualifications Minimum 5 years relevant experience in Corporate Banking with specific focus on private limited enterprises (turnover of more than SGD100mil a year) andor Main Board Listed Companies on SGX Sound credit analytical skill, in depth knowledge of loan and trade productsservices and expertise in structuring solutions to meet customers business requirements Ability to structure trade facility is a strong advantage Energetic, service-oriented and highly motivated with proven track records in developing corporate banking business Strong business acumen with a well-established network of business contacts to bring in new business immediately Able to manage cross-functional relationships to deliver end solutions to both the RMs and the clients. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Credit Manager, Credit Evaluation Reporting to Head, Credit Evaluation, you will independently appraise and evaluate credit applications from the Banks Corporate Business Banking and Consumer Banking (CB) business. This will include the screening of customer background, track record and behaviour pattern to ensure that credit quality stands up to audit challenge and are in compliance with the Banks Group Credit Guidelines and Policy, Statutory Guidelines and Legal Principles of Lending. You will also be required to provide credit decisions to approve or reject credit applications within delegated authority limit or submit recommendations to Head Office for higher authority limit. Other areas include ensuring that the service standards on turnaround time are consistently met, Gross and Net Non-Performing Loans are within allowable limits. You will be vigilant in identifying any adverse signs or red flags indicating deterioration in existing account quality and recommend appropriate remedial preventive actions. You will provide support and guidance, when required, to improve credit quality. You are also required to conduct periodic business visits calls together with the Banks Relationship Managers. You are expected to review re-engineer existing work flow, procedures and processes with a view to reduce cost and increase revenue. A degree in AccountancyFinanceBankingBusiness Administration or other related discipline At least 3 to 5 years relevant experience in credit assessment with credit approval experience or as an Account Relationship Manager Applicant with experience in credit lending to top and middle-tier corporates in Indonesia is preferred. Fully conversant with financial statement and cash flow analysis Possess necessary skill-set and experience to evaluate structured investment banking transactions Sound credit analytical skills with in depth knowledge of banks productsservices Possess strong interpersonal and analytical skills A team player with good writing, communication and presentation skills. Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Manager, Financial Support Services Reporting to the Head of Finance, the candidate will review and implement financial accounting and control functions. HeShe will also ensure smooth daily financial operations and supervise staff in their day-to-day tasks. As part of the finance team, the candidate will also ensure timely submission of essential financial data for review and statutory reporting. The incumbent is expected to liaise extensively with relevant branch personnel as well as auditors in all matters relating to accounting and tax. Degree in Accountancy or possess ACCA or other professional qualification recognized by ICPAS At least 5 - 7 years relevant experience, preferably in a finance department in a bank or other financial institutions, or in an established audit firm Familiarity with MAS, bank and tax regulations would be a distinct advantage A strong analytical mind and possess good interpersonal and communications skills A good team player Conversant in a computerized environment and be able to value add to improve the accounting process, policies and work procedures Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Manager, Management Reporting MIS Reporting to the Head of Finance Department, you will be involved in Business Intelligence (BI) solutions to supp ort strategic direction as well as act as a proactive business partner to the business and support units. You will be expected to focus on deployment of timely and accurate information based on a robust MIS, assist on policies related to the information management system, with due consideration of its long term benefits. The incumbent will also be required to work as a team to evaluate and develop an Integrated Management Information System as well as review and implement financial accounting and control functions. A Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related disciplines Knowledge in Accounting is preferred 6 to 8 years relevant experience Preferably in a banking industry with exposure to data warehouse and understanding of local banking practice. Good working knowledge in related data warehousing tools i. e. SQL, Crystal Report and Visual Studio preferred Besides being analytical, numerically inclined and detail oriented, you should possess an aptitude for computersystem-related work Good interpersonal and communication skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here ManagerAssistant Manager, Financial Support, Services Projects Assist in implementing internal controls and processes to ensure data integrity Assist in Operations Functions such as GL Support Maintenance, Reconciliation Review of Balance Sheet and Profit Loss Items Provide oversight on Operations Process such as updating of Fixed Assets Systems, tracking of expenses, review monitor of Reconciliation Proce sses Review of Operations Reports and ensure timely submission to relevant parties, Management and Regulatory bodies Prepare tax computation and review GST filing Degree in Accountancy or equivalent Minimum 3 years experience preferably in banking and financial institutions Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Knowledge in MS Office with good excel skills Good data analytical skills. A team player who is self-motivated and a self-starter Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website rhbbank. sg Manager, Management Reporting MIS Reporting to the Head of Finance Department, you will be involved in Business Intelligence (BI) solutions to support strategic direction as well as act as a proactive business partner to the business and support units. You will be expected to focus on deployment of timely and accurate information based on a robust MIS, assist on policies related to the information management system, with due consideration of its long term benefits. The incumbent will also be required to work as a team to evaluate and develop an Integrated Management Information System as well as review and implement financial accounting and control functions. A Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related disciplines Knowledge in Accounting is preferred 6 to 8 years relevant experience Preferably in a banking industry with exposure to data warehouse and understanding of local banking practice. Good working knowledge in related data warehousing tools i. e. SQL, Crystal Report and Visual Studio preferred Besides being analytical, numerically inclined and detail oriented, you should possess an aptitude for computersystem-related work Good interpersonal and communication skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Network Support Engineer (Contract) Administration of Cisco-based networking infrastructure Planning, implementation and maintenance of networkingcommunication hardware and software Handle day to day operations and support services Minimum 3 years experience in implementing maintaining Network Infrastructure on the CISCO Network Platform Experience in implementing and maintaining Firewalls ( Checkpoint, Netscreen , Fortigate, etc) Cisco certification CCNA, CCNP or CCIE is an advantage Good general knowledge on Windows, Linux, Solaris platform is essential. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Senior ManagerManager, IT Security Technology Risk IT Security Strategy and Planning Provide expert advice and support to the Bank in relation to IT Security Assist to develop, formulate and enhance a comprehensive IT security policies and procedures Ensure adequate framework of IT security policies and procedures is maintained to assure successful implementation of IT security program which includes preventive, detective and corrective measures Design and develop a customized security architecture, evaluate and select the best security system for the Bank Manage IT Security vendors and service providers Maintain an IT Security awareness program Ensure the security unit is adequately trained and updated on latest security risks, trends and issues. IT Risk Governance Ensure information risks are identified, assessed, mitigated controlled through the deployment of a sustainable information security risk management program. Manage the ongoing security assessment program in compliance to the MAS Technology Risk Management guidelines. Serve as a facilitator liaison between the business unit, Compliance-Technology Risk, as well as IT. Review vulnerability assessments penetration testing to assess the residual risks mitigation plans. Assess advise IT teams on management mitigation of security exceptions deviations. Degree in ITComputer Science from NUSNTUSMUSIM or any AustralianUK universities Min 5 years experience in IT security management in BankingFI industry Min 3 years supervisory experience, leading a team of IT professionals in Singapore Strong working knowledge of Info Security Risk Assessment Management which includes security planning, security technologies processes, compliance monitoring and risk management Experience in working liaising with auditorscompliance team to review assess the risk control framework Strong project and vendor management. Highly analytical with excellent problem-solving skills Experience in the application of IS Policy Standards Good working knowledge of business, regulatory compliance requirements Good English communication, presentation interpersonal skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Business Analyst The Business Analyst serves as a liaison between the Business Units, IT and Operations. In this role heshe will be responsible for analyzing business functional requirements, as well as working with stakeholders to ensure the requirements provided by the business are delivered in the IT application. Elicit businessuser requirements, critically evaluate options gathered from multiple sources, and participate in quality peer reviews to deliver technical solution to address business needs. Proactively collaborate communicate with both business users IT personnel on the requirements analyze deliver the functional requirements andor other deliverables within SDLC methodology framework. Perform analysis of the organizationbusiness units(s) to identify opportunities, challenges make recommendations for process system improvements. Understand customers demand and business processes be able to value-add by identifying areas of improvements provide solution Create process models, functional specifications, flow diagrams charts to provide direction to solution developers andor the project team. Degree in ITComputer ScienceSystems Analysis or related discipline Min 3 to 5 years experience as a Business Analyst, preferably in the Banking, Insurance or other financial industry Good understanding of Financial Products for the front, middle back office transaction processing Good hands-on experience in defining business analysis, solution standards processes Good Project Management and SDLC experience Strong analytical and trouble-shooting skills Good English communication and presentation skills Strong interpersonal skills and able to collaborate on IT projects with all levels of internal customers Good team player able to work independently Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Credit Administration Assistant You will be part of the centralized Credit Administration team performing the full spectrum of Credit and Loan Administration functions from credit facilities implementation to redemption of loans. Your duties would include documentation, monitoring of mortgage loan draw down as well as data maintenance. You will be given good exposure in all aspects of credit admin functions across all business units as well as both secured and unsecured loans. Minimum GCE O Level Meticulous and Organized Resourceful and a good team player Competent in Microsoft applications Related banking experience handling credit and loan administration duties would be an advantage Familiar with both corporate and consumer products Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Manager Assistant Manager Reporting to Head, Loan Recovery, you will manage a portfolio of SME and consumer Non-Performing Loan (NPL) accounts. You will devise repaymentrecovery strategies, recommend action remedies and monitor recovery actions for the assigned NPLs to meet predetermined recovery targets. You may also be assigned to assist in handling the administrativeoperationalMIS tasks in the department. This will include organizing, coordinating, supervising and preparing the timely submission of credit reports or other monthly reports for submission to management and other supervisory bodies including BNM and MAS. You may be required to work weekends or holidays if needed to meet deadlines. University Degree, preferably in Accountancy Banking Business Administration or Economics with more than 3 years work experience in financial institutions Sound credit evaluation knowledge and collections experience. Experience in corporate commercial credit lending andor credit workout is an advantage. Possesses strong analytical, presentation and report writing skills with high level of accuracy Proficient in MS Office software applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook) Other attributes include good negotiation, interpersonal and communication skills A team player with initiative drive Ability to work well under pressure Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Trade Marketing officer Manage trade business activities such as encouraging customers to maximize the utilization of their trade facilities, improving trade volume as well as to maximize trade related fee-based income Promote the Banks trade products and services to customers via tele-marketing and marketing visits To manage customers with self-liquidating s tructured deals and provide trade advisory expertise to customers and business units Work closely with Trade Operations team to meet customers expectation, turnaround time and service quality level Maintain good customer-banker relationship DegreeDiploma holder with minimum 5 years experience in Trade Operations Strong knowledge in trade products, technical and process flow Excellent sales, marketing and interpersonal skills Assertive and dynamic Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Executive, Treasury Processing and Control Reporting to the Section Head, Treasury Processing and Control, you will provide efficient operational backroom support to the Banks Treasury Department. These include the processing of all treasury deals executed by dealers, ensuring timely and accurate treasury payments are met, maintain accurate record of counterparties details standard settlement instructions together with treasury limits in the Treasury System and reconciliation of treasury transactions. In addition, you will also be involved in the production of timely accurate treasury reports for submission to Head Office and those required by the regulatory authorities. A degree in BankingBusiness AdministrationAccountingEconomics At least 3 5 years relevant experience in treasury processing and backroom operations Good working knowledge of treasury processing and familiarity with treasury productsservices Strong system administrative skills Knowledge in Quantum Treasury System and FRS 39 will be an added advantage Energetic and highly motivated, mature and dependable Good interpersonal and communications skills. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Head, Treasury Operations With a reporting line to the Regional Head of Treasury, the candidate is required to: Oversee the investment aspect of Treasury, boosting Net Interest Margin from capital market instruments structured products Develop recommend appropriate allocation of fixed income investment assets within policy targets and risk return objectives Identify growth opportunities for the fixed income portfolio by maximizing the margin achieved while ensuring only acceptable risk are assumed Manage the overall portfolio, providing leadership for implementing strategies in the context of interest rate scenario credit environment Achieve attractive net interest margin relative to credit interest rate assumed Create awareness capitalize on the opportunities presented by new instruments structured products Serve as the information resource in the arena of market intelligence, product analysis economic forecasts Degree holder. Preferably with CFA or equivalent. Minimum 12 years extensive exposure experience in treasury dealings in the field of Capital Market Strong understanding of treasury product services Highly analytical knowledgeable in the intrinsic workings of new instrumentsproducts Excellent writing communicative skills with strong networking capabilities Strong leadership, planning organizing skills Strong presentation interpersonal skills Excellent written verbal English proficiency Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Officer, Inward Cheque Clearing Unit (ICCU), Operations Reporting to Unit Head, ICCU, you will perform the verification of inward cheque clearing, inwardoutward returned e-GIRO and cheques, scanning and balancing of outward cheque clearing operations, ch ecking and confirmation of inward remittance with branches. In addition, you will also perform surprise cash count at Branches and Bank Notes Centre. Diploma in Banking Business Administration with at least 5 years similar operational experience at a financial institution Good working knowledge of CTS cheque clearing, e-GIRO operations, cash count, processing remittance operations that includes inward TT, Demand Draft operations and related SWIFT MEPs messages A team player who is meticulous and possess good interpersonal and communication skills to resolve cheque clearing matters with Malaysian and local branches Ability to work independently and under pressure to meet critical timeline set by the Clearing House Able to start work from 7.30am or earlier (if necessary, in case of high volume or contingency). Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Assistant ManagerSenior Executive, Credit Risk Analytics Provide credit risk analytics on the Retail portfolio Develop, review and maintain system reports for risk identification and assessment Liaison with business units and Head Office Participate in credit risk related projects and scorecard refinement Degree in Banking Finance Business Administration or equivalent Minimum 2 years financial industry experience A background in credit risk analytics with quantitative and qualitative analytical skills Good written and communication skills Proficient in Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Word and PowerPoint) Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a rece nt passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Senior ManagerManager, Operational Risk Management Advise and support Singapore branch on the operational risk impact of business strategies as well as in the areas of monitoring and reporting of operational risks. Oversee the drafting of procedures and rules for branch leading to the fulfillment of the Groups operational risk management functions Provide an effective partnership with Business Units towards managing their operational risks to be in line with the Banks Business objectives Advise the Business Units on risk containment measures in high-risk operational areas Ensure that the Singapore branchs products, processes and methods are aligned to the ORM Policy Framework approved by the Board Monitor the operational risks, evaluate the results and report to the Group Risk Management Facilitate the setting of operational risk parameters for business and operations units to comply. Minimum 5 years experience in risk management at an established financial services institution Intimate knowledge of operational risk management approaches and their application within the context of a holistic risk management framework Understand the Groups strategic objectives, business model and financial sector landscape Good interpersonal skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Senior Manager, Market Liquidity Risk Management Advise and support the Head of Risk Management Singapore on market and liquidity risks issues relating to Treasury products Maintain appropriate relationship with various Business Units to communicate developments on new risk-related projects and processes Keep abreast of developments in th e market risk management landscape and apply learning to the Groups risk management practices Oversee Risk Management Reports submission to the Group Risk Management Support Basel initiatives Ensure effectiveness of monitoring tools and model methodology Degree in Banking Finance Business Administration or related disciplines Minimum 5 years experience in Market Risk Management, Treasury or Treasury Back Office or Middle Office with established financial institutions Sound knowledge of market and liquidity risk management approaches and its applications Understand the Groups strategic objectives, business model and FS landscape Strong interpersonal skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg ManagerAssistant Manager, Pr oduct Risk Define product suitability stands for Singaporeoffshore requirements including the sales to general public and wealth management Maintain up-to-date policies and guidelines framework related to product suitability Run future enhancements of suitability rule implementations to comply with regulation Provide support functions related to the respective Committee including secretariat functions to committee meetings and deliberation Review all product presentation materials to the general public Act as the subject matter expert for product risks related to investment products for sales to the general public and wealth management Conduct independent product performance benchmarking and methodology review Provide vigilance on the change of product risks and update the Committee regularly Liaise with HQ on new product approvalreview processes Demonstrate solid product knowledge on investment products and derivatives and ideally familiar with FAASFA Qualified CFA or other profession al qualifications related to investment preferred Experience in private banking wealth management in product suitability or risk preferred Open minded to provide constructive solutions on a risk based approach A team player with excellent interpersonal and communication skills Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Senior Executive, Market Liquidity Risk Support Involve in end-to-end data lineage coordination, from sourcing of core data to calculation and delivery of reports Subject matter expert in relation to liquidity and assets liability reporting Conversant in market and liquidity risk analytics Liaise with Head Office on implementation of market and liquidity risk infrastructure and work flows Degree in Banking Fina nce Business Administration or related disciplines Minimum 2 years experience in market risk middle office Strong capability in using MS Excel to achieve end results with relevant data extraction skills Preferably experienced in the area of liquidity reporting within financial institutions, as well as using Information Technology for analytics and risk reporting A good team player who is able to communicate effectively and observe deadlines Please send in your detailed resume, including current and expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our website at rhbbank. sg Brand Marketing Communications Department Enhance RHBs corporate brand, positioning and image in countries RHB has presence Brand alignment, public relations, event conference setup, and coordination Managing day-to-day marketing and promotional activities in Singapore regional countries (Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia etc) Assist with development of communication and marketing plansmaterials Constructing key supporting messages across the brand, marketing and communications spectrum Electronic online media monitoring i. e. Facebook Brand research, marketing material management Review and assess marketing, promotional and event activities Marketing activation setup and implementation Degree in Communication or Marketing Minimum 5 years of working experience, with at least 3 years relevant experience in a brand managementbranding and events environment with reputable organizations in Singapore, preferably with some regional branding project experience Good written, interpersonal and communication skills Able to work on multiple projects simultaneously team player May be required to travel from time to time Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BA NK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Derivatives Dealer Offering visibility across regional offices, the role involves currency and interest rate derivative pricing for balance sheet items as well as on the back of corporate customers requirements. The candidate must have a strong currency and interest rate derivative background gained from a prior structuring role and a broad understanding of the institutional client space in the region. The responsibilities are as follows: Pricing structuring of derivative solutions in interest rates, currency and other products Originate and develop innovative, customized solutions to financing issues using a range of debt market products and services Liaising with senior management to define product growth for the group Liaising with external counterparties and internal stakeholders including Finance, other Business Units and Legal Conduct detailed financial evaluations and transactions. Bachelor in Mathematics or in disciplines of highly numerical skill Minimum 3 years derivatives structuring or trading experience at reputable banks Good analytical skills and able communicator with excellent interpersonal skills. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page here Manager, Money Market Oversees the funding, liquidity and balance sheet management of the Bank, covering the following:- Funding Liquidity Management Formulate funding plans, liquidity management Ensure deposit and funding rates are competitive so as to develop and enhance customers relationships Ensure full compliance to statutory reserve requirements Network with customers, external market counterparts and other RHB dealing centers in order to solicit customers feedback, gain market intelligence, benchmark trading techniques and enhance the Banks profile in the marketplace Monitor and manage all maturing investments in Government securities and re-investing at most profitable rates. Balance Sheet Management Analytics Participate actively in ALM process including model setup and analysis Analysis of liquidity cash-flows, interest rate gaps and income attributions Provide guidance in financial analysis modeling, scenario analysis, pricing for asset and liability items. A university degree and minimum 10 years in similar capacity with comprehensive knowledge of ALM including liquidity and interest rate risk management tools Extensive working knowledge of money market and other treasury products Excellent knowledge of statutory requirements and regul ations Strong mathematical and quantitative background. Please send in your detailed resume, including current expected salary and a recent passport-sized photograph to: RHB BANK BERHAD 90 Cecil Street 06-02 Singapore 069531 (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified) For more information on career opportunities, you may visit our career page hereLearn 3 ideas on How to Change from Bad Results to Good Results in Your Stock Trading Allan Anonymous Trader I have been searching high and low for the right Mentor and Sifu. بعد سنوات عديدة، حصلت على فرصة للتعلم من السيد فريد قوي. نظام تاد هو رائع شكرا جزيلا لكم السيد فريد تام وفريق تاد اسمحوا لي أن أشاطركم نتائجي. أنا جعلت آرإم 556،077.29 على أسهم سيكوم مع 92 من عائد الاستثمار (R. O.I). كما جعلت أيضا 7900 راند على أسهم رغب مع 71.97 ريتورن. ومؤخرا قدمت I RM9،2 4 0 على أسهم سنداي مع عودة 12.60. أنا القبض على بضع قطة من بلدي سيمب كدز حساب التداول وهذه هي نتائجي الحقيقية. شكرا جزيلا فريد تام مع نظام تاد. لقد ربحت ورقة من RM250،000.00 في الأسهم كستيل وأيضا الربح ورقة (لا يزال عقد) من RM42،000.00 على بريستار في غضون 8 أسابيع كمالك الأعمال، أستطيع أن أقول لكم أنني حققت الكثير من الأرباح مع فريد تام. دعم مثل النشرة الإخبارية، برقية المجموعة والأسهم لمشاهدة باستخدام نظام تاد. دعم فريق تاد هو أيضا مدهش إذا كنت تريد حقا أن يكون تاجر الأوراق المالية الناجحة، تحتاج إلى الاعتقاد في نظام التداول الخاص بك. لقد وجدت بالفعل نظام تاد. ماذا عنك أونغ لام هوات صاحب العمل روجر هو الأسهم التاجر شكرا جزيلا لكم تام فريد أنت مثل صديق مدهش ومعلمه. مع نظام تاد الخاص بك أنا حققت الربح من RM13،056.00 من إكوفيست-وب في غضون أسبوع واحد. النشرات الإخبارية اليومية ودعم مجموعة برقية مدهشة. لا تنسى، دعم العملاء ودية وفريق الدعم الفني. فريق تاد هو ممتاز نظام تاد هو رائع شكرا جزيلا لكم السيد فريد تام وفريق تاد. أنا جعلت RM27،000 في الربح مع روي من 158 في غضون 3 أيام أوصي تماما لك للانضمام إلى هذه الدورة والاشتراك في نظام تاد. لم يكن لديك لتفكير مرتين بعد الآن اشترك الآن جازلي عز الدين مهندس بتروناس أمبير الأسهم المتداول الذي ينبغي أن تحصل على نظام تاد نظام تاد تكشف أخيرا ما في داخل نظام تاد هذا البرنامج هو الكمال للمبتدئين. في نظام التعلم تاد لدينا، لدينا دروس الفيديو التي سوف توجه لكم بدءا من دورة مبتدئين التي تشمل ط. What is Stock ii. كيفية التسجيل لحساب تداول كدز (نظام الإيداع المركزي) إي. ما هو التحليل الأساسي (إبس، بي نسبة، ديس و كانسليم صيغة وغيرها الكثير) إيف. ما هو التحليل الفني (الإجراءات السعر، حركة الاتجاه، الشمعدانات اليابانية، أنماط الرسم البياني وغيرها الكثير) v. كيفية استخدام برنامج التداول السادس. كيفية استخدام حساب التداول الخاص بك في. كيفية ممارسة استخدام حساب تجريبي نحن إرشادك من الأساسية إلى المتوسطة أو مستوى الموالية. بعد الاشتراك في نظام تاد، ماذا يحدث بعد 6 أشهر كيف يمكنني تجديد اشتراكي وكم يجب أن أدفع بعد 6 أشهر، سيحتاج تجديد نظام تاد إلى تجديد. Subscription renewal fees are as follows: BASIC RENEWAL PACKAGE TAD System Basic Membership 6 Month Share Investor Station subscription TAD System Template 247 Video Support Tutorial Telegram Group Support Monthly Webinar Live Trading Sessions Live Customer Support Free upgrade to any new TAD system in the future Daily Fred Tam Newsletter TAD Stocks Screener rm 288.33 month Charged for 6 months TAD System Basic Membership 1 Year Share Investor Station subscription TAD System Template 247 Video Support Tutorial Telegram Group Support Monthly Webinar Live Trading Sessions Live Customer Support Free upgrade to any new TAD system in the future Daily Fred Tam Newsletter TAD Stocks Screener rm 213.33 month premium RENEWAL PACKAGE TAD System Premium Membership 6 Month Share Investor Station subscription TAD System Template 247 Video Support Tutorial Telegram Group Support Monthly Webinar Live Trading Sessions Live Customer Support Free upgrade to any new TAD system in the future Daily Fred (50) تاد فكس سكرينر آرإم 497.33 الشهر الذي تم تحصيله لمدة 6 أشهر نظام تاد عضوية بريميوم 1 يار شير الاشتراك في محطة المستثمر قالب نظام تاد 247 فيديو الدعم التعليمي تيلغرام المجموعة الدعم الشهرية ويبينار جلسات التداول الحية دعم العملاء لايف ترقية مجانية إلى أي تاد جديدة (سيف 50) تراد ستوكس سكرينر آرإم 401.33 مونث يمكن إجراء الدفعات على النحو التالي: 1. من خلال باي بال أو بطاقة الائتمان أو الخدمات المصرفية المباشرة عبر الإنترنت، فإن تفاصيلنا المصرفية هي: F1 أكاديمي أوف تيشنيكال أناليسيس سن. BHD. (رب بانك أكونت نو: 21406 2000 94473) 2. بعد الدفع. يرجى قطة شاشة أو التقاط صورة من إثبات الدفع وتوفر لنا اسمك الكامل والبريد الإلكتروني ورقم الهاتف وإرسالها إلى دعم العملاء من خلال ميزات الدردشة الحية لدينا أو القيام واتسابتيلغرام 6019 2202 022. ونحن سوف تحقق من صحة الدفع الخاص بك وإعادة تنشيط الخاص بك حصة محطة المستثمر ونظام تاد حساب معنا في أقرب وقت الدفع التحقق من صحة. Activation is only possible during Business Hours so early subsription is greatly appreciated to avoid your account from being barred from usage. هل هناك أي فرق بين محطة بورصة ومحطة مشاركة المستثمرين ماذا علي أن أفعل الآن إن الاختلافات بين محطة بورصة ومحطة مشاركة المستثمرين هي: 1. حصة محطة المستثمر تسمح بتحليل أساسي أكثر تفصيلا بكثير مقارنة بمحطة بورصة باستخدام ويبرو. ويبرو يأتي معيار مع أي اشتراك في محطة مشاركة المستثمرين. 2. تتيح محطة مشاركة الأسهم إجراء اختبارات أكثر دقة واختبار صيغة التحليل الفني من محطة بورصة. فحص المعلمات يمكن أن تكون مخصصة بشكل فردي، على عكس بورسا محطة سكرينس التي هي محددة مسبقا. 3. حصة محطة المستثمر يسمح للمشتركين في استخدام لدينا اختياري تاد الأسهم الفرز للكشف عن الوقت الحقيقي ونهاية اليوم (يود) يختار الأسهم. ومع ذلك، فإن برنامج تاد فكرن ليس سمة قياسية، بل هو إضافة اختيارية ويجب شراؤها بشكل منفصل من أكاديمية F1 ترادر. This optional feature is only exclusive to our Subscribers and can be done together with a new TAD System subscription (Recommended) or also for existing subscibers. لمعرفة المزيد عن كيفية التحويل من محطة بورصة إلى محطة مشاركة المستثمرين مع نظام تاد، يرجى الاتصال بفريق الدعم عبر الدردشة الحية أو واتسابتلغرام في 6019 2202 022 إم حاليا باستخدام محطة مشاركة المستثمرين، ولكن لم أتعلم من فريد تام أو F1 أكاديمي قبل . الآن أنا مهتم للاشتراك في نظام تاد. ماذا أفعل إذا كان لديك معرفة التحليل الفني (تا) وكان استخدام تا قبل ذلك يمكنك أن تبدأ مع نظام تاد. سوف يتم تدريسك حول كيفية استخدام نظام تاد لدينا عن طريق خطوة بخطوة الدروس ومقاطع الفيديو التي سوف تكون متاحة لك عبر منصة التعلم الإلكتروني لدينا. سيتم إعطاء كلمة المرور لك بمجرد الاشتراك في قالب تاد لدينا ويمكنك الوصول إلى جميع الدروس التعلم على الانترنت. وهذا منصة التعلم الإلكتروني لدينا تكون مريحة للغاية إذا كنت لا تقيم في كوالالمبور، بينانغ، كوتشينغ أو كوتا كينابالو لأن ندوة فريد 3 أيام التعلم عادة ما يتم إلا في المدن الكبرى. وعلاوة على ذلك، فإن فريد لا عقد لهم بانتظام كما كان في السابق. على هذا النحو، لدينا منصة التعليم الإلكتروني الذي يأتي مع الاشتراك الخاص بك من قالب تاد لدينا هو المثالي لجميع خاصة خارج المحطة أو المستخدمين في الخارج. أنا واحد من 1 أكاديميس الخريجين. تعلمت من قبل فريد تام ولدي بالفعل حصة محطة المستثمر مع نظام تاد. ولكن أنا أيضا مهتمة للحصول على نظام تاد التعلم الإلكتروني الجديد. كيف أشترك جميع خريجي F1-تورتل ستوك أمب العقود الآجلة دورات ابتداء من 1 يناير 2016 إلى 31 ديسمبر 2016 سوف تحتاج فقط لدفع ثمن نظام التعلم الإلكتروني تاد وتكلفة تجديد محطة حصة المستثمرين على أساس نصف سنوي أو سنوي . يرجى استخدام ميزات الدردشة الحية أو واتسابتلغرام 6019 2202 022 للاتصال بدعم العملاء لمزيد من التفاصيل. ألومني فقط تجديد الاشتراك هي كما يلي: تاد نظام الخريجين العضوية تاد قالب النظام 247 دعم الفيديو تعليمي برقية مجموعة الدعم الشهرية ويبينار جلسات التداول الحية لايف دعم العملاء ترقية مجانية إلى أي نظام جديد تاد في المستقبل اليومية فريد تام النشرة الإخبارية تاد الأسهم فرز آرإم 133.33 الشهر


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